High Polluters At Earnings Risk

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4th July 2008, 05:28pm - Views: 648

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4 July 2008, Melbourne, Australia. Following the release of Garnaut’s draft report on climate

change, Ratings and research firm RepuTex warns that large emitting S&P ASX 200 stocks

could face significant financial risk.  RepuTex reports:

The ASX 200 accounts for approximately 23% of all Australian emissions. 


Out of this total, the top 5 emitting stocks (AGL, RIO, BHP, Bluescope & Qantas)

account for 49% of the S&P ASX 200 footprint

The total carbon cost on the S&P ASX 200 could range from $2.6 extending to $6.7 billion

under a combination of full auctioning scenario and $50 carbon price signal. 


The Utilities, Materials, Transportation and Energy sectors are likely to incur

80% of the total carbon cost of the S&P ASX 200. 

RepuTex experts - Hugh Grossman, Head of Research and Jerome Suere, Head of Carbon

Research are available for commentary.

For further information please call:

Pia De Lima, Burson-Marsteller – 0418 311 437 (pia.delima@bm.com)

Lin Macdonald, Burson-Marsteller – 0408 501 381 (lin.macdonald@bm.com

RepuTex is a rating and research firm which specialises in quantifying the financial impacts of new risks such

as such as sustainability, energy, emissions and carbon risk.  

Established in 1999, RepuTex has offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Melbourne. 

The company is chaired by the former Managing Director of Standard & Poor’s Australia, Mr Graeme Lee. 

RepuTex carbon analysis and underling inputs are applied for a range of applications, notably by companies

in determining and responding to carbon liabilities, as well as the financial/investment community through the

distribution of data and investment indexes.

RepuTex Indexes

RepuTex currently maintains 11 indexes which assist investors and asset managers to measure and track

the impact of sustainability risk on company performance.  

Indexes are designed to be used as a basis for ETFs, index linked products and a range of tailored

investment products such as warrants, certificates and derivatives. 

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