Rmit To Launch Green Car Research

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RMIT to launch green car research 

RMIT University researchers will play a pivotal role in developing an environmentally

sustainable automotive industry.

The $1.2 million Global Green Car Learning Clusters project today received

$441,000 from the Federal Government’s Diversity and Structural Adjustment Fund.

RMIT Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Margaret Gardner AO, welcomed

the Government’s support.

“The project will develop collaboration between academics and industry at a time

when the Australian automotive industry needs to make a fundamental shift in

design and manufacture to remain environmentally and commercially viable.

“The outcomes will help retain automotive jobs in Victoria, sustain automotive

exports as one of Australia’s top 10 export earners, build Australia’s share of the

green car industry and contribute to the impact of national innovation and research

through patents and productivity improvements.”

RMIT’s automotive researchers, doctoral candidates and honours students, led by

Professor Aleksandar Subic from the School of Aerospace, Mechanical and

Manufacturing Engineering, will work on three priorities for the industry:

Developing hydrogen, hybrid and electric car technologies

An assessment of vehicle life cycles

Decommissioning cars

Professor Gardner said: “The RMIT team will be working with Ford Europe, GMH,

AutoCRC, the Auto Parts Recyclers Association of Australia, the University of

Applied Sciences Ingolstadt (Germany) and the Australian National University, with

the support of the Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce and the Society of

Automotive Engineers Australasia.

“This is a tremendous example of how RMIT works with industry and community

partners to generate ideas and applications that will benefit our environment, society

and economy.

“The RMIT team will be building on the pioneering work led by Professor Subic, in

collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences Ingolstadt, which led to the

launch last month of RMIT’s hydrogen-powered racing car.”

For general media enquiries: RMIT Media and Communications, Paul Noonan,

(03) 9925 2373 or 0409 239 021.

11 December, 2008   

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