Sun Shines On Nsw Today, But Outlook Still Cloudy For The Renewable Industry

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10th November 2009, 05:24pm - Views: 1068


10 November 2009

Sun shines on NSW today, but outlook still cloudy for the renewable


NATIONAL: The NSW Government has taken an important step forward with its new scheme to

encourage more households to install clean solar energy on their rooftops. But the job is not done,

with all Australian governments needing to focus on driving industrial-scale renewable energy

projects when they meet in December.

“The Clean Energy Council (CEC) welcomes the Rees Government’s leadership on climate change

by stepping up its commitment to the use of solar panels in the state,” said Clean Energy Council

chief executive Matthew Warren.

“The gross solar feed in tarriff announced by NSW will reward investors in solar technology with a

premium rate for all the electricity they generate. These kinds of schemes have helped to make

countries like Germany world leaders in the solar industry – even when they don’t have anywhere

near the intensity of sunlight that Australia does.

“South Australia and Western Australia are currently reviewing their solar schemes and we

encourage both of these governments to consider the NSW approach during this process.

“The CEC welcomed the expansion of the Federal Government's renewable energy target in August.

Despite this, new large-scale clean energy projects have not been able to get off the ground because

of a sustained weak price for renewable energy certificates.

“The solar industry in most other states, the Federal Government’s Solar Flagships Program, as well

as wind, bioenergy and hydro projects, all face a bleak 2010 if this problem remains,” Mr Warren


“The renewable energy target was a good start, but most of the industry is at a standstill because of

a weak market for renewable energy certificates (RECs), the unintended result of a range of

government programs.”

Mr Warren said large-scale clean energy developers depended on the REC market to make their

projects viable.

“Expanding the RET has created a new market that needs some fine tuning. This is crucial if it is to

do its job of developing a world class clean energy industry in Australia that will help smooth the

transition to a decarbonised energy industry.

“The Rees government is to be congratulated today. It has taken a significant step forward in getting

clean solar energy into its households. Now lets keep it going.” 

For media enquiries please call Mark Bretherton +61 413 556 981

The Clean Energy Council, the peak body for the clean energy sector, is working with all Australian governments to ensure a

secure and diversified energy sector; a reduction in energy waste including the take up of solar water heating and insulation and

more clean energy sources in our stationary energy mix from solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, wave and bioenergy.

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