Still Watering In The Mud? Killing Your Garden With Kindness

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16th October 2009, 08:09pm - Views: 916
Could You be Killing Your Garden with Kindness?

Despite much of Melbourne still being wet soggy from this week's rain, Melbourne's water use has crept up this week, hinting that many Melburnians are continuing to water their garden during this unseasonably wet period. Last week we were using an average of 144 litres per person a day, up 6 litres from the week before.

While this week's rain has been a delight for Melbourne's gardens and storage reservoirs, water authorities and gardening experts are calling for gardeners to forgo their next watering day if rain is forecast or the ground is still damp.

Despite the downpour, the CSIRO still foresee a hotter and dryer than usual spring and summer, which will place additional pressures on our already strained water supply. Incredible water savings are possible during these next few weeks, benefiting everyday gardens and our precious water resources alike.

"The dramatic and repeated downpours of the last week have given our gardens an incredible drink, one that will sustain them for a good week or more. To be manually watering with precious tap water after such significant rains, will only train your garden into developing shallow roots systems, rather than drawing on the moisture-rich soil further down", says Mr Tony Kelly, Yarra Valley Water Managing Director and Target 155 industry spokesperson.

"It is essential for us all to keep 'banking' the easy additional water savings we can make now as a benefit of this weather. Simply test the soil with a finger and if its still damp or rain is forecast, forgo this unnecessary watering day and your garden will thank you come summertime", explains Mr Kelly.

"Melburnians have risen to the challenge, and have proven that significant savings below the 155 target are quite achievable. To stretch this 'extra savings' period right into spring, we're urging all households to look into a few additional no-cost water saving measures. These could include; capturing more grey water to fulfil garden needs, reducing the amount of time spent in the shower, or using a hose connector to reduce the flow from their garden hose. Amazingly, the everyday garden hose with a trigger nozzle used 150 litres in just 10 minutes, more than most people are using in a whole day", details Mr Kelly.

Tap/hose connectors are highly effective tools for all gardens; households who spot water with a trigger nozzle hose can easily save more than 60 litres in 10 minutes.

Free tap/hose connectors and other water devices are available at all water retailers, with easy access kiosks set up at shopping centres across Melbourne. Check,, or for details of the closest kiosk or Water Saver Garden Centre.

Rainfall Storages and Rainfall Data
Andrew McGinness, Melbourne Water T(03) 9235 7277 M: 0403 930 846
[email protected]

Under Stage 3a Water Restrictions:
* Lawns must not be watered at any time
* Even and no-numbered properties can water plants on Saturday and Tuesday 6am-8am
* Odd-numbered properties can water plants on Sunday and Wednesday 6am-8am
* Residents aged 70+ can water plants on their specified days between 6am-8am OR the alternate time of 8am-10am
* Automatic dripper systems can be used to water plants on specified watering days between midnight-2am.
* Rain/grey water can be used at any time
* Cars can be watered at commercial car washes or at home using rain/grey water
* No watering is permitted on Monday, Thursday and Friday

For more water saving tips and information head to

For Additional information or for interviews please contact: (not for publication)
Caroline Doherty, Media Manager - Target 155, T(03) 9872 2473 M: 0421 465 274
[email protected]

SOURCE: Target 155

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