Seeking An Angel In Dubai And Beyond

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15th April 2008, 11:18am - Views: 1204

Conservation Energy MagKinetics Inc. 1 image

Seeking an Angel in Dubai and Beyond

NEW YORK, April 15 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --


    Mark Nejmeh, President, MagKinetics Inc. will travel to Dubai to seek an Angel for his

development stage renewable energy company with their patent pending technology for "A system

and method for creating electricity from moving vehicular traffic." MagKinetics has been patiently

and thoroughly seeking a financially qualified and socially responsible investor or group and is now

reaching out to the world community to bring this opportunity directly to such investors. The

company is now arranging meetings in Dubai for their executive visit on April 21 - 23, 2008. 

    ( Photo:

    MagKinetics is initially seeking $10,000,000 US and will be seeking another $5,000,000 US

within 7 to 9 months. The company is poised to literally change the world because their technology

takes moving traffic (kinetic energy that is typically lost to the universe) and converts it into

electricity. Absolutely no alteration to the vehicles is required. They intend to implement the

technology worldwide in 18-24 months. 

    According to Nejmeh, "Clean energy and a clean environment is about man kind's survival.

Responsible actions must be taken. Finding a group of investors that know that everything in life is

about family across all cultures and all borders is important. If we are to add a new variable to the

'Peak Oil Theory,' eliminate green house gases, and take energy out of the peace formula, we must

do it with passionate investors who put results before profits. By doing the right thing the profits will


    MagKinetics will initially place their clean energy technology into roadways, typically on downhill

slopes, off-ramps, and other braking road segments. The company's research also indicates that it

is possible to tap energy from high speed center roadways as well. In essence, every road &

highway in the world is potentially an undeveloped energy asset. 

    Ultimately, the MagKinetics technology is a new type of renewable energy that could both

stabilize world economies and bring about world equality. 

    If you or your group have an interest in participating in this revolutionary approach to meeting the

world's growing energy needs in Dubai or beyond, then please contact MagKinetics' President Mark

Nejmeh at for an executive summary. 



    MagKinetics Inc. 

    1208 Fifth Ave. 

    Neptune, NJ 07753 



  SOURCE:  MagKinetics Inc. 


CONTACT:  MagKinetics, Inc., 

Conservation Energy MagKinetics Inc. 2 image



   Photo:  NewsCom:




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