Darling Downs Power Station Meets Key Milestone As First Turbine Powers Up

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10th December 2009, 12:36pm - Views: 1090
Darling Downs Power Station meets key milestone as first turbine powers up for summer

Origin Energy ("Origin") met a key milestone yesterday by successfully synchronising to the grid the first turbine of its 630 megawatt (MW) Darling Downs combined cycle power station.

Darling Downs Power Station, Australia's largest combined cycle power station, is the centrepiece of an investment of more than $1 billion by Origin in providing cleaner natural gas-fired electricity for Queensland's growing needs.

Yesterday the first of three 120 MW gas turbines was synchronised as part of a
commissioning phase which will extend over coming months. A steam turbine will
capture the waste heat from these gas turbines, increasing the efficiency and
capacity of the plant.

The key milestone follows completion of the 205 kilometre domestic gas pipeline linking the power station to Australia Pacific LNG's (a 50:50 joint venture between Origin and ConocoPhillips) coal seam gas fields in the Surat Basin. The project has created more than 1000 direct jobs during construction and many more indirect jobs in the broader Queensland community including Dalby on the Darling Downs where the station is located.

Origin Executive General Manager for Major Development Projects, Andrew Stock, said; "Origin's Darling Downs Power Station will be one of Australia's cleanest baseload power stations with three gas turbines and a steam turbine, and will emit less than half of the greenhouse gas and use less than three per cent of the water used by a typical water-cooled coal-fired power station.

"The gas turbines will be fired up one at a time during the coming weeks before the steam turbine comes on line early next year, with the power station on schedule to be fully commissioned in the June quarter of 2010.

"Yesterday's successful synchronising is a major milestone in bringing Darling Downs Power Station on line next year," Mr Stock said.

Origin has also purchased a 77 hectare block adjacent to the current Darling Downs Power Station for possible future expansion.

Origin Executive General Manager Energy Markets, Frank Calabria said "Darling
Downs Power Station is a development which will help provide cleaner electrical
power as part of a growing investment by Origin in gas-fired generation.

"Upon commissioning, Darling Downs Power Station will bring Origin's total
generation capacity to more than 2100MW with expected capacity to reach 2800MW
by the end of 2010," Mr Calabria said.

Origin Energy Limited ABN 30 000 051 696
Level 45 Australia Square,
264-278 George Street,
Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 5376,
Sydney NSW 2001

Telephone (02) 8345 5000
Facsimile (02) 9252 1566

For further information please contact:

Paul Turner
Communication Manager (Qld)
Ph: 07 3867 0676
Mobile: 0429 078 331

Lina Melero
General Manager
Corporate Communication
Ph 02 8345 5217
Mobile: 0427 017 798

Angus Guthrie
Group Manager Investor Relations
Ph: 02 8345 5558
Mobile: 0417 864 255

About Origin Energy
Origin Energy is Australasia's leading integrated energy company focused on gas and oil exploration and production, power generation and energy retailing.

Listed in the ASX top 20 the company has approximately 4,000 employees, is a leading producer of gas in eastern Australia, is the largest owner and developer of gas-fired electricity generation in Australia and is a leading wholesaler and retailer of energy. The company services more than 3.5 million electricity, natural gas and LPG customers across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Origin's strategic positioning and portfolio of assets provide flexibility, stability and significant opportunities for growth in the ever changing energy industry. Through Australia Pacific LNG, its 50:50 incorporated joint venture with ConocoPhillips, Origin is developing one of Australia's largest CSG to LNG projects based on Australia's largest CSG reserves base.

In New Zealand, Origin is the major shareholder in Contact Energy, the country's leading integrated energy company, operating geothermal, thermal and hydro generation facilities and servicing electricity, gas and LPG customers across both the North and South islands. Origin also operates several oil and gas projects in New Zealand and is one of the largest holders of petroleum exploration acreage in the country.

Origin has a strong focus on ensuring the sustainability of its operations, is the largest green energy retailer in Australia and has significant investments in renewable energy technologies.

For more information go to www.originenergy.com.au

SOURCE: Origin Energy
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