Origin Boosts North Queensland Power Supply

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11th December 2009, 03:20pm - Views: 1125
Origin boosts North Queensland power supply

North Queensland residents will have greater security of supply against the heat this summer with Origin officially opening its Mt Stuart Power Station expansion in Townsville today.

The plant upgrade was officially opened by Queensland's Minister for Natural
Resources, Mines and Energy and Minister for Trade, Stephen Robertson.

Origin Executive General Manager for Major Development Projects, Mr Andrew Stock, said, "Our Mt Stuart project is good news for locals and good news for the economy of North Queensland. It has boosted both employment and supplier opportunities with the creation of 200 jobs during the construction phase alone.

"Work to expand the station's capacity, including the installation of an additional 126 megawatt gas turbine generator, is now complete.

"With the new generator connected to the Powerlink Grid, there is sufficient local generation to meet the high demand for power expected from the summer peak," Mr Stock said.

"Origin's Mt Stuart Power Station has had two gas turbine generators in operation since 1999. However, with demand for power increasing at a rapid rate, Origin committed to increasing its generating capacity in 2008 and has been progressively working towards delivering on that commitment," Mr Stock added.

The total expansion, which cost $110 million, included the delivery of the turbine and generator, weighing more than 380 tonnes, in February this year. Works commenced immediately to install the General Electric 9E turbine generator, along with a new administration building, auxiliary plant and high voltage systems.

Mr Frank Calabria, Executive General Manager Energy Markets, said the expansion increased Mt Stuart's generating capacity to 414 megawatts and would provide vital peaking power for North Queensland and the entire national grid.

"The additional 126 megawatt generator will provide a 45 per cent increase in the output of the existing station, cementing its place as the largest power station in North Queensland.

"The new generator will meet the peak electricity demand of up to 75,000 homes. Initially running on kerosene, the generator has the capability of using cleaner natural gas and is designed so that both the existing and the new generators can all run on natural gas in the future," Mr Calabria said.

Mr Calabria said the Mt Stuart upgrade was part of Origin's strategy to almost double its total generating capacity to 2800 megawatts by the end of 2010.

Origin Energy Limited
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Level 45 Australia Square,
264-278 George Street,
Sydney NSW 2000

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Sydney NSW 2001
Telephone (02) 8345 5000
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For further information please contact:

Paul Turner
Communication Manager
(Qld) Corporate Communication
Ph: 07 3867 0676
Mobile: 0429 078 331

Lina Melero
General Manager
Ph 02 8345 5217
Mobile: 0427 017 798

Angus Guthrie
Group Manager, Investor Relations
Ph: 02 8345 5558
Mobile: 0417 864 255

About Origin Energy
Origin Energy is Australasia's leading integrated energy company focused on gas and oil exploration and production, power generation and energy retailing.

Listed in the ASX top 20 the company has approximately 4,000 employees, is a leading producer of gas in eastern Australia, is the largest owner and developer of gas-fired electricity generation in Australia and is a leading wholesaler and retailer of energy. The company services more than 3.5 million electricity, natural gas and LPG customers across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Origin's strategic positioning and portfolio of assets provide flexibility, stability and significant opportunities for growth in the ever changing energy industry. Through Australia Pacific LNG, its 50:50 incorporated joint venture with ConocoPhillips, Origin is developing one of Australia's largest CSG to LNG projects based on Australia's largest CSG reserves base.

In New Zealand, Origin is the major shareholder in Contact Energy, the country's leading integrated energy company, operating geothermal, thermal and hydro generation facilities and servicing electricity, gas and LPG customers across both the North and South islands. Origin also operates several oil and gas projects in New Zealand and is one of the largest holders of petroleum exploration acreage in the country.

Origin has a strong focus on ensuring the sustainability of its operations, is the largest green energy retailer in Australia and has significant investments in renewable energy technologies.

For more information go to www.originenergy.com.au

SOURCE: Origin Energy
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