Government And Industry Timor Oil Spill Monitoring - Belated, Back-footed And Seriously Opaque
28th October 2009 -
Views: 738
Ten weeks into the uncontrolled and continuing oil and gas spill from the Montara wellhead, with anywhere from 10 to 20 million litres of oil spilled into the ocean, conservationists have stopped pulling punches.
Australians Urged To Clean Smarter In The Home To Save Water, Energy & Money
27th October 2009 -
Views: 827
Australians are pouring billions of litres of water down the drain unnecessarily each and every year while doing household chores such as washing dishes or cleaning the loo, according to new research released today.
Coral Charity Challenges Climate Change
23rd October 2009 -
Views: 728
If there’s one image that will hit hard at Copenhagen this year, it’s’s iconic Great Barrier Reef shot.
Moreton Bay Report Card Worst Ever-time To Act Now
21st October 2009 -
Views: 708
The 2009 Healthy Waterways Report card is by far the worst result to date. After 10 years of reporting on declining water quality and increased degradation, it’s time to act.
S.a. And N.t. Industry Leaders Unite For Water Solutions
20th October 2009 -
Views: 699
Mr Joe Flynn, Chief Executive Officer of the Water Industry Alliance (WIA), will lead a delegation of more than 20 SA-based water companies to the NT to explore water solutions and opportunities with Power and Water Corporation decision makers.