Queensland Conservation 166 Ann St, Brisbane, QLD 4000
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Fax: 07 3229 7992
Embargoed till 11.30am 21 October 2009
Moreton Bay Report Card Worst Ever-Time to act now
The 2009 Healthy Waterways Report card is by far the worst result to date. After 10
years of reporting on declining water quality and increased degradation, its time to
The rehabilitation of Moreton Bay is chronically underfunded. Since the program
began the $20 million the State Government has committed to Moreton Bay and
SEQ waterways amounts to nothing more than palliative care. said Simon Baltais of
the Wildlife Preservation Society Queensland and Queensland Conservation.
We need over a billion dollars invested in fixing up the many problems, and we need
that committed now.
Saving Moreton Bay requires a genuine effort to revegetate catchments, repair
degraded riparian and wetland areas and immediately halt excessive urban
development throughout the region, said Baltais
It is unacceptable that the condition of the regions estuaries and Moreton Bay has
declined. What this years Report Card unequivocally shows is that more work and
investment is urgently needed. That investment never happens, said Andy Grodecki
of Logan and Albert Catchment Association.
If urgent steps are not taken to immediately rectify catchment level degradation it is
likely that impacts will become irreversible
forever destroying one of South East
Queenslands jewels and the many communities and businesses that depend on this
natural wonder located at our doorstep. concluded Baltais.
Further information:
Simon Baltais
Mobile: 0447 539 968
Andy Grodecki
Phone: 5543 1181
Mobile: 0407 389 631
Media Release