Energy Network Infrastructure And The Climate Change Challenge
24th March 2009 -
Views: 841
Climate change is emerging as a major economic and social challenge for energy network businesses and a new Report has estimated the additional cost to energy networks will be approximately $2.5 billion over the next 5 years.
Wartsila To Deliver Another Major Power Plant To Pakistan - Value Of The Deal Eur 137 Million
24th March 2009 -
Views: 849
Wärtsilä has received another major order from Pakistan. The order was placed by Liberty Power Tech Ltd. which is an independent power producer (IPP). The value of the contract is approximately EUR 137 million.
The Second Malaysian Stimulus Package - What Does It Hold For The Energy & Power Sector In Malaysia?
23rd March 2009 -
Views: 793
The Malaysian government announced a huge stimulus package on March 10, 2009.
Better Management Practices Deliver Higher Performance Buildings
18th March 2009 -
Views: 853
The Warren Centre for Advanced Engineering today released a ground breaking report that proves that large advances in energy efficiency can be achieved without major capital expenditure on technologies.
Platts Launches New Americas Crude Marker To Capture U.s. Gulf Coast Values
16th March 2009 -
Views: 812
Platts' new assessment, the Americas Crude Marker (ACM), will be published on a daily basis and joins the company's existing slate of U.S. sweet and sour crude oil assessments.