It's Time To Plumbsmarter In Our Homes

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26th October 2010, 05:51pm - Views: 2951

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Media release

From the Plumbing Industry Commission

      26 October 2010

It’s time to PlumbSmarter in our homes

Minister for Planning Justin Madden today launched a pilot program of the PlumbSmarter in my

home service at the Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre in Brunswick.

“It’s high time Victoria’s homes became more efficient in their use of gas, electricity and water,” 

Mr Arnel said. 

“We’ve become a lot smarter about the way we use water but we need the same breakthrough

with energy use.”

The way water and homes are heated have a huge impact when multiplied across the three and

a half million homes and non-residential buildings in Victoria. 

“Plumbers can help save us money and make small changes to increase the green credentials

of our homes, better still getting advice on changes won’t cost you a cent,” Mr Arnel said.

Plumbers who deliver the PlumbSmarter in my home service will deliver three things:

A free green plumbing condition report the plumber will inspect all your gas and water

appliances and plumbing systems and provide advice on ways to improve your energy 

and water use

Perform simple energy and water saving actions depending on the outcome of your

condition report they may adjust the thermostat on your hot water system or install a water

efficient shower head

Give you a free green retrofit pack

Plumbing practitioners will offer this service when they are already in a customer’s home, 

doing a job or a quote, and can see the home could benefit from a green upgrade. The pilot

program is aiming for 3,000 deliveries of this service over the next few months, mainly 

around inner Melbourne. If the pilot’s results are positive, a much larger, statewide program

will be considered.

“Most of us simply don’t realise how easy it is to make a positive impact on our environment

through small actions,” Mr Arnel said.

“Most Victorian homes have less than a 2 star energy performance rating – by contrast new

homes are expected to meet a 5 star rating currently, which will become 6 star in May next year.

“You can make a real difference as well as a real saving.”

The service is free to Victorian consumers because plumbers will be given incentives to deliver

the service. Plumbers will be provided with:

A $75 payment to compensate them for their labour time

Good quality water-efficient showerheads for installation 

Helpful information for consumers.

Plumbing practitioners will be required to undertake a three hour training session to equip them

with the skills to deliver the service.

PlumbSmarter in my home program is being driven by the Plumbing Industry Commission with

support from the Victorian Government under its Green Jobs Action Plan. Businesses involved

with the plumbing industry, water authorities and other government agencies are also helping

the initiative.


For further information, please contact Chelsea Toomey, Marketing and Public Relations

Officer, Plumbing Industry Commission, (03) 9618 9296 or 0418 271 988.

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