Green Groups Welcome Population Debate

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20th November 2009, 04:01pm - Views: 1050

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Queensland Conservation 166 Ann St, Brisbane, QLD 4000 

ABN: 89 717 887 219

Ph: 07 3221 0188    

Fax: 07 3229 7992       

For Immediate Release                                                           20 November 2009

Green Groups Welcome Population Debate if it’s about Sustainability

Queensland Conservation (QCC) has welcomed both state and local government

announcements to review and debate population growth in Queensland. The State is

planning an SEQ Growth Summit whilst LGAQ will be reviewing population growth in 2010.

‘These initiatives must be designed with the intent of developing a sustainable population

strategy for Queensland,’ said Simon Baltais, from QCC

‘It’s not simply about shifting population from one region to another and creating new

problems. It is imperative that the carrying capacity of each Queensland region is fully

examined and identified first,’ said Baltais

‘From bar rooms to lounge rooms people are talking about the stress on essential services-

water, roads, energy and hospitals. They are talking about threats to their local environment

everywhere. This is largely a consequence of unsustainable regional expansion,’ 

‘The SEQ house is virtually full, and to date, the State government approach has been to

extend the house into the garden, across the veggie patch and over the swimming pool.’

‘This threatens our environment and quality of life. This approach must stop.’

Environment groups are urging all sectors of society to contribute and to put sustainability, the

environment and a healthy way of life first.

‘We are all stakeholders in this issue. Getting population right means a liveable future,

sustainably managed resources and a natural environment that is protected and respected.’

said Baltais

QCC has called for:

A National population debate through COAG

The development of a Sustainable Population Strategy for Queensland

A public inquiry into the carrying capacity of all Queensland regions

For More Info: Simon Baltais 0447 539 968

                         Toby Hutcheon 0419 664 503

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