Environmental Leaders Revealed At Banksia Awards

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15th October 2010, 02:41pm - Views: 1583

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Media Alert

October 15, 2010

Environmental Leaders Revealed At Banksia Awards

The 2010 Banksia Awards, Australia’s most prestigious environmental awards series,

will reveal this year’s winners at a Sydney Town Hall awards ceremony on Friday,

October 15.

The 22 year-old awards recognise Australia’s leading environmental and sustainable

initiatives across business, government and community organisations, and act as a

barometer of change across the sustainability landscape.

There are ten Banksia award categories in total, covering areas such as education,

indigenous programs, built environment, clean technology and water, with the Origin

Gold Banksia Award celebrating the top entry across all categories.

Additional award categories include the Prime

Minister’s Environmentalist of the Year,

to be presented by Tony Burke MP, Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water,

Population and Communities.

Other special award categories include the Mercedes-Benz Australian Environmental

Research Award, the Banksia Community Grant supported by GPT Group and the

Banksia Peoples Choice Award supported by Australia Post.

Graz van Egmond, Executive Director of the Banksia Environmental Foundation said,

“Surprisingly we’ve had our highest ever level of submissions this year within the big

business category. There are incredible success stories showcasing communities,

business and government who have come together to achieve amazing results.”

“Another encouraging aspect of this year’s competition is the numerous examples of

business taking a leadership role and demonstrating how smart sustainability practices

can translate into smart and profitable business practice.”


2010 Banksia Awards Presentation

Where Sydney Town Hall, 483 George St, Sydney


October 15, 6.30pm – 10.00pm

Interview and speaker talent:

Banksia Award winners

Tony Burke MP, Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities

Graz van Egmond, Executive Director of the Banksia Foundation

Allan Zavod - composer

Photo opps/collateral: Awards presentation footage, Environmental Symphony performance

with Allan Zavod, winner photography

RSVP and Contact: Robert Marson, Killer Whale, Tel: 0404 464 902, robert@killerwhale.com.au 

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