Ontario Government Makes Wood Available For Job Creation And Innovation

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3rd February 2009, 06:43pm - Views: 1093

Conservation Natural Resources Ontario Ministry Of Natural Resources 1 image

Ontario Government Makes Wood Available for Job Creation and Innovation

TORONTO, Jan. 23 /CNW-AsiaNet/ --

     Ontario is looking for innovative ways to turn available wood from Ontario's Crown forests into new investment

and jobs.

     A significant amount of wood is under-utilized each year across Ontario.

Known as biofibre, this wood is part of Ontario's sustainable wood supply that

is available for harvest annually.

     A request for expressions of interest is now open. Responses will be

accepted until March 3, 2009. Ontario is asking companies to outline their

ideas to support new investment and create new green jobs in Ontario's

bioeconomy and value-added manufacturing sectors. The results of the

expression of interest will also help the ministry determine the volume of

wood that could be included in the process.

     Following a review of the submissions, the ministry will determine

appropriate next steps, which could include a wood supply competitive process.

     "Ontario companies are among the most innovative in the world. I know

they will respond to this challenge with new, exciting ideas that will benefit

the forest sector and the communities that depend on it," said Natural

Resources Minister Donna Cansfield

     This unused wood comes from tree tops and limbs, trees that currently

aren't marketable as traditional forest products and trees salvaged after

being damaged by fire, wind or other types of damage.

     -   Read the Request for Expressions of Interest at (ontario.ca/forests).

     -   Read Ontario's Forest Biofibre Policy on Allocation and Use.


     The Ontario government is taking the first step to make forest biofibre

available, which could provide secure wood supply for new investment and green

jobs in Ontario's bioeconomy. This initiative is a step forward in advancing

Ontario's green agenda and helping to revitalize Ontario's forest economy.

     The Ministry of Natural Resources has launched the first stage and is

requesting expressions of interest to use available Crown wood resources

across Ontario. This is a great opportunity to develop Ontario's green economy

while supporting a strong forest manufacturing sector. Ontario's Crown forests

are well-managed, and use of this wood will not affect their sustainability.

     This Request for Expressions of Interest stage is intended to generate

proposals which will lead to new investment and new jobs in the forest sector.

The results will also help the ministry determine the volume of wood to be

included in a possible next stage, a competitive process for wood supply.

     Forest biofibre is a renewable resource that could be used to produce

wood pellets to generate electricity. Using wood results in lower net

Conservation Natural Resources Ontario Ministry Of Natural Resources 2 image

emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants, which is why the

ministry is conducting this process in conjunction with Ontario Power

Generation. A Request for Expressions of Interest to procure biomass fuel,

including wood pellets, has also been issued by Ontario Power Generation.

     This may be an opportunity for Ontario to be a North American leader in

reducing dependence on foreign energy and fossil fuels, and decreasing its

contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming.

     Other potential uses of forest biofibre include renewable alternative

fuels, and other bioproducts that can reduce the province's dependence on

fossil fuels, as well as value-added manufacturing and specialty wood


     Interested parties have until March 3, 2009, to respond to the ministry's

request for expressions of interest to use forest biofibre from Crown forests.

The ministry's potential wood supply competitive process could be initiated in

the spring of 2009 with a goal of identifying successful proponents who would

receive conditional offers for wood supply in the summer of 2009.

     For more information on the ministry's "Request for Expressions of

Interest" process, please visit ontario.ca/forests



SOURCE: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

     CONTACT: Ivan Langrish, 

              Minister's Office, 

              (416) 314-2212;


              Media Desk,

              Communications Services Branch, 

              (416) 314-2106


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