Draft Media Release
September 23, 2008
Government unable to champion onshore LNG
plant from Greater Sunrise Mari Alkatiri
The de facto AMP government lead by Xanana Gusmão is showing itself to be totally
incapable to provide the legal, technical and economic arguments that can convince
the Greater Sunrise joint venture partners that a pipeline to Timor-Leste and an
onshore LNG processing plant is the best and most viable option for the fields
development, said the former Timorese Prime Minister Dr Alkatiri today.
Dr Alkatiri negotiated both the Timor Sea treaty and the Certain Maritime
Arrangements in the Timor Sea (CMATS) Treaty. He was speaking from Dili today
after having met with his parliamentary colleagues to discuss recent developments
and media reports that the Greater Sunrise joint venture had decided on Darwin as the
location for the LNG plant to process the gas from Greater Sunrise.
I think that the media reports of a site location decision by the Sunrise joint venture
are premature. From recent discussions with Woodsides top executives in charge of
the project during a recent visit to Dili, I dont believe the investment decision has
been made yet. So the media reports are misleading and mischievous. As far as I can
gauge, it is just a lot of noise, Dr Alkatiri said.
But they are uncomfortable about other noise coming from the Timor-Leste side that
that may lead them to question whether or not this Timor-Leste government knows
the ground rules for the legal and technical process which will guide the discussions
on which will be the best and most viable option for developing the Greater Sunrise
field. I am worried by statements from people like the de facto Prime Minister and his
Secretary of State for Natural Resources that it is a matter for the two governments to
discuss. This is just wrong, stressed Dr Alkatiri.
In recent media reports following Mr Gusmãos visit to Australia, where this issue
was discussed between Mr Gusmão and Australian Prime Minister Rudd, Mr Gusmão
is quoted as having said: This is an issue for negotiation between the two
governments, meaning the governments of Timor-Leste and Australia.
This is wrong because the Treaty documents set out the criteria, the process and the
mechanism for joint decision making. The developers of Greater Sunrise will present
a proposal to the Sunrise Treaty Commission which will decide whether or not the
development plan meets the technical and economic criteria set out by the treaty. Its
not for the two government's to negotiated as this de facto government thinks, added
Dr Alkatiri.
Then you add the suspicion arising from the governments signing of hitherto secret
agreements with international oil companies who have no legal stake in the Greater
Sunrise field. According to the explanation given by the Secretary of State during
recent parliamentary hearings, this secret agreement purports to give them rights to
market the gas from the field which they do not have, but in fact rests with the
downstream contractors. I think we have a very volatile mix that will place in
jeopardy Timor-Lestes chances of getting a pipeline and LNG plant on our shores.
This is a goal we all share and we support any government that tries to achieve that.
But we have an obligation to speak out when we see actions that could jeopardize our
chances, Dr Alkatiri stressed.
Dr Alkatiri repeated his offer that FRETILIN have always been ready, willing and
able to contribute with their extensive experience in negotiating these resource-related
matters, through an appropriate inclusive and consultative body established for this
specific purpose.
That is how we were able to negotiate the outcomes we did during our government
against the odds. We included everyone, civil society, opposition in parliament, the
president, everyone, he said in closing.
Jose Teixeira
+670 728 7080
Nilva Guimaraes
+670 734 0389