To arrange an interview contact Mike Donahue via 0409 309 782 or
CQUniversity aids retrenched workers
CQUniversity will immediately roll out a special higher education program designed for
employees and contractors in mining, retail and other sectors affected by thousands of job cuts
announced this week in Queensland and the rest of Australia as a result of the global economic
Under the scheme (which is open now) redundant and retrenched workers will be offered a free
assessment of their qualifications and receive careers advice, followed by placement in one of
the universitys access programs, and/or immediate enrolment in their choice of one of
CQUniversitys degree* programs in Term 1 2009.
Workers could enrol part-time or full-time and study by distance education or at campuses in
Mackay, Emerald, Bundaberg, Rockhampton or Gladstone.
The Universitys program complements the states $25million strategy to protect jobs and boost
opportunities in regional areas affected by the mining downturn.
The scheme is designed to provide displaced workers of any age with the confidence, knowledge
and skills they need to respond to change and successfully study at university regardless of their
educational background. CQUniversity will personalise a program that is specific to an
individuals skills and knowledge, even providing a free trial undergraduate course and other
opportunities for people to earn credits towards a degree.
CQUniversity is responding to the local impact of a global crisis. Our aim here is to get
retrenched workers in Central Queensland re-skilled and prepared for the future, said Deputy
Vice Chancellor Angela Delves.
Even workers who find new employment would be eligible to study part-time and benefit from
longer-term career and professional development.
We want to ensure that out-of-work Queenslanders benefit from our services and make the
most out of any lull they may experience, Professor Delves added.
CQUniversity is well-placed and structured to assist students with extensive support and flexible
distance education programs. According to the Good Universities Guide few universities can
say that they interact in a customised way to a students requirements. CQUniversity can.
[* A major long-term study released this month by the Australian Council for Educational
Research (ACER) has shown that a bachelors degree leads to higher-status occupations and
increases earnings by about 31 per cent on average.]
Companies and organisations wanting outplacement assistance from CQUniversity
should contact Mike Donahue, Manager, Corporate Communications at 07 4930 9384 or one of
CQUniversitys Heads of Campus:
Mackay, Trevor Davison, 07 4940 7404
Bundaberg, Philip Clift, 07 4150 7070
Gladstone, Pierre Viljoen, 07 4970 7203
Individuals wanting more information are invited to call 13 CQUNI (13 2786). ENDS