12 January 2010
The Biofuels Association of Australia today fired back at recent claims that biofuels are diverting crops away
from food sources or pushing up food prices in Australia.
Our ethanol and biodiesel blends come from used and waste sources in Australia so the argument of
competition against food simply does not apply said Heather Brodie, CEO of the BAA. Australias
production of ethanol mainly comes from molasses and waste starch. The one production facility using red
sorghum, which is a grain but not a food source, needs only 200,000 tonnes out of a crop last year of nearly
four million tonnes. Our surplus sorghum crop is exported to Japan surely it is valuable to use it in the
local production of a low carbon fuel which is good for the environment.
Using the feedlot industrys own analysis from the Centre for International Economics (August 2005) the
possible price impact of a 700 million litre grain based ethanol industry in Australia would only be 2% Ms
Brodie said.
Most of the waste stream from the production of ethanol is returned to the feed lot industry as high
quality, high calorific value wet or dry distillers grain sort of like very rich food for animals.
At the moment transportation is the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases and is responsible for more
than a quarter of the worlds emissions Ms Brodie said. Ninety eight percent of the energy used in the
transportation industry still derives from fossil fuels. Immediate reductions of emissions can be achieved
through the use of alternative fuel sources such as ethanol and biodiesel blends, without impacting on any
food products.
Its time we all started recognising that locally produced, environmentally sustainable and economically
viable transport fuels will actually be necessary in order to meet petroleum demands in the future.
Australia has the opportunity to lead the world in the use of biofuels but at the moment we are well behind
the mature positions being taken in Europe, America, Asia and Brazil.
The Biofuels Association of Australia Incorporated is the peak industry body representing ethanol and
biodiesel producers, feedstock suppliers, technology providers, independent and major oil companies,
equipment manufacturers, mining and construction companies and others.
Media Contact: Heather Brodie, CEO BAA, 0437 932 949