Wind Farm Protestors Not Happy John

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7th October 2010, 08:00am - Views: 1111

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Media Release



The Australian Environment Foundation will join with local residents and Landscape


groups near

Daylesford to protest to the Premier, John Brumby who will

officiate at a ceremony tomorrow morning to mark the commencement of a new wind


The Foundation is critical

of yet another new wind farm project for Victoria while

fundamental questions remain unanswered about the cost of power produced,

greenhouse gas emission reductions and effects on rural communities.

At a packed community meeting on Tuesday night, Dr Sarah Laurie


spoke of

major health issues local residents were experiencing that were identified with

already operating wind farms.

“We have requested a meeting with the government to call for a moratorium on any

further wind farms until they have undertaken an independent review to satisfy some

basic questions about wind farms in Victoria” said Max Rheese, executive director of

the Australian Environment Foundation.

“Evidence from operating wind farms in Australia and overseas show most are

incapable of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to any significant degree, they

produce power that is double to triple the cost of conventional power stations, are

unreliable and raise serious health issues for rural communities.”

“Substantial evidence exists to show that meeting the government’s 2020 Renewable

Energy Target by mainly using wind power will drive up electricity prices for

households and industry, but fail to reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly

because of the need to back up wind farms with gas turbines.

“Wind farms do not work as well as most people think, with an average power

generation of just 30 per cent of stated capacity from projects already in operation in


“People are being forced from their farms with serious health issues from wind farm


and this has not been addressed.  This also needs to be the subject of

independent review” said Mr Rheese.

The Great Renewable Energy Rort           Wind farming in SE Australia



Protest site is located 10km south of Daylesford on the Daylesford-Ballan Road

[C141] at Leonards Hill.

Contact: Max Rheese 0428 621320

The Australian Environment Foundation is a not-for-profit, membership-based

environment organisation having no political affiliation.  The AEF is a different kind of

environment group, caring for both Australia & Australians.  Many of our members

are practical environmentalists – people who actively use and care for the

October 7th 2010 

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