Wind Farm Opposition Growing

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1st November 2010, 03:49pm - Views: 2515

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Media Release



A well attended meeting



the small farming community of Tooborac in

central Victoria voiced unanimous opposition to a proposal announced last week by

construction giant Transfield to construct a large wind farm in the district.

“110 people from the local community turned up to learn more about whether this

proposal would benefit their community or affect

their family’s lifestyle and

unanimously voted no

after hearing evidence

the only real beneficiaries were wind

farm operators” said Max Rheese from the Australian Environment Foundation, who

was one of the speakers at the meeting.

Community opposition to the proposals mirrored that of Daylesford residents at a

protest rally several weeks ago at the launch of a new wind farm there.

The Tooborac meeting, organised by the local Granite Boulders Landscape

Guardians, heard from residents who had been forced from their farms at the existing

Waubra wind farm in western Victoria due to ill-health caused by low frequency noise

from wind turbines.

Study results presented to the meeting showing the erratic, unreliable and costly

operation of wind farms in Victoria confirmed community disquiet at the proposal

announced last week.

“The two hour meeting covered many issues associated with wind farms such as ill-

health from people living within two kilometres of wind turbines, production of

electricity two to three times the

cost of current generation and insignificant

reductions in greenhouse gas emissions” said Mr Rheese.

“The meeting struggled to find any positive benefits


the proposal other than

payments to landholders agreeing to turbines on their properties.  One farming family

has already cancelled agreement to allow turbines on their property. 

“The Brumby government needs to call a moratorium on wind farm approvals until an

independent review is undertaken to determine whether alleged benefits of wind

power outweigh the financial and community costs” concluded Mr Rheese.

Another planned community protest meeting at Penshurst near Hamilton on

November 13th was announced today over proposals for a 200 turbine wind farm in

that district.



The Great Renewable Energy Rort article provides links to study results conveyed to

the meeting.

Contact: AEF Executive Director Max Rheese 0428 621320

The Australian Environment Foundation (AEF) is a not-for-profit, membership-based

environment organisation having no political affiliation.  We accept that environmental

protection and sustainable resource use are generally compatible. For more

November 1st 2010

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