Why Is Water Recycling Such A Dirty Word?

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13th October 2010, 02:07pm - Views: 1073

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166 Ann Street 

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Brisbane, QLD 4000    


Ph: 07 3221 0188   

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13 October 2010

For Immediate Release

Why is water recycling such a dirty word?

Queensland Conservation Council


is hosting a business sustainability breakfast to stimulate

debate and discussion about water recycling, a critical Southeast Queensland sustainability issue. 

The breakfast will be taking place on the 17


of November at The Mercure Hotel, in Brisbane and will

feature a panel of experts including key note speaker Greg Leslie, Associate Professor

from the

University of New South Wales. 

Mr Leslie has been involved in many significant water reuse projects in Australia and can offer a wealth

of expertise on the issues and concerns involved with water recycling in Southeast Queensland.

Join experts, Hon. Stephen Robertson, Minister for

Natural Resources, Mines & Energy & Trade,

Simon Warner, Chief Executive Officer of SEQ Catchments and Dr Helen Stratton, Research Fellow

and Lecturer from Griffith University, as they discuss the topical issue of water recycling.

As Toby Hutcheon, Executive Director of QCC highlights, although Queensland dams are currently full,

the recent Southeast Queensland water supply crisis has clearly shown how quickly dam levels can


‘The question has to be asked, why is water recycling still not happening, despite extensive public

investment in infrastructure?’ said Mr Hutcheon. 

The panel will discuss different views on the Recycled Water Scheme and its benefits,

such as

reducing pollutants entering Moreton Bay, improving environmental flows and providing a more

sustainable water supply.

Attendees at the event will hear the governments view as the panelists discuss why, when it comes to

water, recycling is still a dirty word.

For more information on this event please call Queensland Conservation Council

on 3221 0188 or

book online at www.qccqld.org.au


Media Enquiries: Toby Hutcheon, Executive Director, Queensland Conservation Council.

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