Who Will Pocket A Pita This Year?

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9th December 2009, 02:10pm - Views: 762

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Media Release

From the Plumbing Industry Commission

Wednesday 9 December 2009


The Plumbing Industry Commission has launched the Plumbing Industry Training Awards (the

PITAs), to recognise and celebrate the plumbers whose training has inspired the industry.

The Minister for Planning Justin Madden says the PITAs focus on up-skilling to create a

sustainable built environment are vital to Victoria’s continued economic growth.

Reflecting on his previous career as an AFL footballer, Mr Madden observed, “Training not only

provided me with greater knowledge and enhanced skills, but it gave me greater enjoyment and

fulfilment in both my careers. I know the winners of the PITAs will also experience this.”

“Existing workers too must have the opportunity and the encouragement to upgrade their skills to

match new technologies. This will not only help us achieve a plumbing industry for our changing

times but it will ensure the longevity of individuals in plumbing as their career,” said Minister


Victoria’s Building Commissioner Tony Arnel says that plumbing practitioners can make a real


“A great example of this is the way that plumbers have had to adjust to increasing demand for

water and energy efficiency, with water capture, high tech recycling, grey water and rainwater

systems that were unheard of a decade ago.”

“There is no doubt that ongoing training will be necessary for plumbing practitioners to meet the

challenges of keeping pace with changing technologies, consumer expectations and the ongoing

emphasis on reducing the consumption of energy and water resources.”

“Those practitioners who choose this path not only further their own personal and professional

development but also add to the combined knowledge and expertise of the industry as a whole,”

Mr Arnel said.

Awards will be given in six categories including: environmental (sustainable water);

environmental (energy use); return to study; individual and specific trade training; personal

challenge; training providers; and for an employer’s commitment to their employees’ ongoing


Nominations close on 31 March 2010 and the winners will be announced in May 2010. Full

nomination forms and full details about the awards visit the Plumbing Industry Commission

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