We Need To Look After Our Own Backyard

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23rd November 2009, 10:02am - Views: 688

Media Release – Monday 23 November 2009




“An immediate overhaul of our rural fire services is required to deal with the long

term affect of climate change”, says Deborah Burt, the *Climate Change Coalition

Candidate (CCC) for the Bradfield by-election


A national approach is needed to pool our knowledge and resources, standardize

our training and equipment used, with payment for the fire fighters who protect

our homes and property under extreme conditions.


“Bushfire risk is set to rise by 50% in coming decades yet the ranks of the rural

fire service are dwindling in many areas”, says Deborah Burt. “Like the general

population, the profile of our volunteers is aging - there are fewer people who can

afford the time or lost wages to fight fires that are becoming larger and more



In October 2009, Mr Rudd announced the allocation of funds to enable the rapid

deployment of Australian ‘civilian specialists’ into overseas disaster or conflict



“Whilst we fully support Australia contributing to international relief efforts and

being a good global citizen, the effects of climate change goes unaddressed by

this Government and our volunteer resources continue to be stretched to

breaking point.


“Meeting the challenges of climate change means that at least volunteers

deserve to be paid for their services, in no different way than the urban part time

fire fighters or army reserve. They deserve our support and quite frankly, it’s long



“We propose to fund this National approach from a carbon tax.


“We don’t support an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), but a carbon tax. This

would provide certainty and a guaranteed price for both business and consumers

will also raise funds that can be directed to climate challenges in our own

backyard”, says Deborah Burt.

For further information contact Deborah Burt – 02 9876 4509 – 0402 828 835

*Application has been made at the Australian Electoral Commission to change

the name of Climate Change Coalition to 4Change. The name change was not

finalised prior to the calling of the Bradfield by- election. Our candidate will be

running as a member of the Climate Change Coalition.

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