Waw Organisers Recognoised At Copenhagen

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10th December 2009, 05:53pm - Views: 794

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Queensland Conservation 166 Ann St, Brisbane, QLD 4000 

ABN: 89 717 887 219

Ph: 07 3221 0188    

Fax: 07 3229 7992


For Immediate Release                                                                                                    10 December 2009

Brisbane WAW organisers recognised at Copenhagen Conference

Amidst the bear market rally in climate scepticism hitting the headlines around the country through Tony Abbott’s

opposition leadership, Australia has received some very positive recognition from the United Nations.  

In his presentation,  Environment Programme Director, Achim Steiner of “The Case For Climate Neutrality” states that

Greenfest, a grassroots festival in Brisbane that attracted 60 000 people to environment causes this year,  was

recognized alongside Live Earth as examples of positive cultural change helping to accelerate preferences towards a

cooler planet.   

Greenfest Founder Mr Ridge said “Greenfest is an action for cooler planet culture and next year we will launch the

world’s first solar stage hosting the world’s biggest acts without plugging into the national coal powered grid.  This will

allow us to showcase Australian ingenuity to the world on the world’s coolest stage.  It’s time to stop talking and just

show how the largest economic opportunity is available right now to build a healthier economy with more opportunity. 

We are going to do that next year and even Barnaby Joyce’s favourite bands might play on that stage?”  

Further to the recognition of cultural innovation down under Mr Steiner has invited Mr Ridge to become a founding

participant in the new United Nations Music & Environment Initiative saying “The initiative aims to leverage the power

of music to address some of the most pressing environmental problems facing the planet.   Festivals and other music

events are in a unique position to influence the decisions and opinions of their audiences, inspire them to take a

positive action for the environment.” 

‘Walkagainst warming will be a climate neutral event. This is a case of a community event walking the walk. It is time

for government and big business to follow,’ said Toby Hutcheon, Executive Director of Queensland Conservation

This Saturday 12th December the Greenfest team are supporting the Brisbane Walk Against Warming and all those

interested in the unique mix of music and conservation that attracted international attention can experience a sample of

the culture change to come at King George Square from 10am.   

For more info on the Greenfest mix at Walk Against Warming click here.  

The Case For Climate Neutrality”

View concept poster for 2010 Greenstock and Hendrix Solar Stage)



Colman Ridge:  0417 730 457  

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