W.a Liberal To Address Conference On Climate

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19th October 2009, 02:13pm - Views: 743

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Media Release




West Australia Liberal Dr Dennis Jensen will deliver the opening address to the

annual conference of the Australian Environment Foundation in Canberra tomorrow.

Dr Jensen will reinforce the message that environmental matters and climate change

in particular, can only be dealt with effectively on the basis of science and evidence.

Dr Jensen said today “There are multiple components that concern me with the issue

of anthropogenic global warming and reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. As I

have stated on many occasions the science is not settled.”

Dr Jensen will be followed by internationally recognised scientist, Professor Garth

Paltridge, author of the recently released book The Climate Capers.  Professor

Paltridge calls into question the alarmism surrounding climate science.

Author of the widely acclaimed Skeptics Handbook, which has had 160,000 copies

distributed in four countries, Joanne Nova will address the conference on

communicating science through the media.

Kevin Andrews MP will follow up his recent article on the other big question for our

planet – population growth.  His presentation, ‘Population – Boom or Bust is

expected to stir plenty of interest.

The conference will be held at Rydges Capital Hill National Circuit, Forrest starting at




Media Contact: Max Rheese 0428 621320

The Australian Environment Foundation (AEF) is a not-for-profit, membership-based

environment organisation having no political affiliation.  The AEF is a different kind of

environment group, caring for both Australia & Australians.  Many of our members

are practical environmentalists – people who actively use and also care for the

environment.  We accept that environmental protection and sustainable resource use

October 19th 2009 

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