Veolia Launches 2008 Sustainable Development Report

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5th June 2009, 04:24pm - Views: 719

In response to World Environment Day - Veolia Environnement in Australia and
New Zealand releases Sustainable Development Report for 2008

In response to World Environment Day, Veolia Environnement in Australia and New Zealand today released its 2008 Sustainable Development Report. Showcasing the social, economic and environmental achievements made by the company across its four divisions in water management, waste management, energy provision and transport services, the publication is the fourth to be produced by the group.

The 2008 Sustainable Development Report demonstrates the group's commitment to
providing solutions to current sustainability challenges including:
*managing the impacts of climate change
*making sure there is enough water to meet society's needs
*ensuring economic viability during a global financial crisis and
*ensuring workplace safety.

As a group, Veolia Environnement in Australia and New Zealand achieved a number of significant sustainable development milestones in 2008 including improving workplace safety standards - achieving a reduction in lost time injury rate from 24.28 in 2007 to 15.83 in 2008. The group also achieved an 8 per cent reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions, when measured per dollar of revenue from 2007 figures.

Doug Dean, Chairman Veolia Environnement in Australia and New Zealand commented,
"We are facing both the biggest environmental and economic challenges of our time conserving natural resources and fighting climate change whilst fostering sustainable and equitable means of growth during a time of economic uncertainty. Sustainable development means adopting business strategies and activities that meet the needs of Veolia Environnement and its stakeholders today, while protecting, supporting and enhancing the needs of future generation."

Veolia Environnement in Australia and New Zealand has delivered this report for use by its clients and stakeholders, including partners, government bodies and key decisionmakers within the communities in which the group operates.

Veolia Environnement in Australia and New Zealand forms part of the global group which operates in over 68 countries and employs more than 330,000 staff, making Veolia Environnement the world's leading provider of environmental services.
The full report is available at

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About Veolia Environnement
Veolia Environnement is the world leader in environmental services. With more than 330,000 employees, the company has operations all around the world and provides tailored solutions to meet the needs of municipal and industrial customers in four complementary segments: water management, waste management, energy and transport service. In Australia and New Zealand, Veolia Environnement recorded revenue of AUD2.55 billion in 2008. Sustainable development is a major influence on our business decisions and defines us as a company and the services we offer. We aim to ensure that as many people as possible all over the world have access to the essential services that we can provide.

SOURCE: Veolia Transport Australasia

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