Traveston Decision Victory For Environment And Comon Sense

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11th November 2009, 07:02pm - Views: 916

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For Immediate Release                                                                                            11 November 2009

Traveston Decision is a great day for Environment and for Common Sense

According to Queensland environment organisations, the Commonwealth Government decision to

stop the Traveston Dam is a victory for the environment and could have far reaching consequences

for our sustainable future.

‘Minister Garrett is to be congratulated. He has demonstrated his credentials by recognising that the

environmental costs of this dam proposal were far to great for it to proceed, ‘said Toby Hutcheon

Executive Director of QCC and speaking on behalf of the above organisations

‘The Traveston Dam would have threatened endangered species and coastal ecosystems, inundated

valuable agricultural lands and significantly added to regional GHG emissions,’ said Hutcheon

Traveston was also line in the sand in the debate for a sustainable regional future for all our


‘The Traveston Dam was never about supplying water to the current people of SEQ. It was about

supporting unsustainable regional expansion-whatever the cost,’ said Hutcheon

‘With the dam now off the agenda, Minister Garrett has handed the Queensland Government a gilt-

edged opportunity to convene the debate about this (and other) regional futures,’ said Hutcheon

Our organisations are calling for an Independent Commission of Inquiry to investigate the carrying

capacity of all Queensland regions. 

‘With climate changes, reduced rainfall and unprecedented threats to regional and coastal

biodiversity, the government must take the opportunity to get it right and avoid poorly thought out

proposals such as the Traveston Dam in the future,’ said Hutcheon

Our organisations would like to acknowledge the campaign of the SavetheMary group.

For More Information: Toby Hutcheon (QCC) 3221 0188.0419 664 503

                                      Des Boyland (WPSQ) 3221 0194

                                      Darren Kinleysides (AMCS) 3393 5811

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