Target 155 - 1 Week Of Stage 3 & Well Below Target

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8th April 2010, 09:33pm - Views: 1186
One Week Into Stage 3 and Well Below Target

With the new Stage 3 water restrictions in place for the past week, Melburnians have remained committed to using water efficiently, although in a more flexible manner, to achieve an encouraging weekly average of 141 litres per person per day this week.

Despite just 8.2 mm of rain falling over the previous four weeks (since the storms of early March), last week's low consumption points to Melburnians making long term changes to their water use behaviours and gardeners' wise assessment of the moisture levels in their garden's soil.

Mr Tony Kelly, Managing Director of Yarra Valley Water and Target 155 spokesperson, congratulated residents for their responsible and sustainable use of water, both inside and outside the home.

"Stage 3 restrictions are all about providing more flexibility to respond to the individual watering needs of your garden. To do this sustainably and to achieve Target 155 for the year, it is vital that we make significant savings below Target 155 in the cooler months of the year," details Mr Kelly.

"This week's saving of 14 litres per person per day is a fantastic start towards the 'banking' of water savings that we must build through Autumn and Winter, so that we have a healthy buffer to call upon in the warmer months," explains Mr Kelly.

To help gardeners build their 'bank of water savings' and to ensure their garden is watered to optimum levels, now is the time to consider installing a low-cost moisture sensor to existing manual and automatic dripper systems.

"The new Stage 3 restrictions, when used with a moisture sensor, will ensure that your garden gets the moisture it needs, when it needs it - effectively eliminating the risk of over or under watering, year round," details Mr Kelly.

Melbourne's water storages are presently at 33.8 per cent - confirming the need to diversify Melbourne's water supply. Work is currently underway to build Australia's largest desalination plant, upgrade irrigation channels and expand the water grid.

But we all need to keep saving water.

For more information go to

Under Stage 3 Water Restrictions: - Effective Metro Melbourne
* Lawns must not be watered at any time
* Even and no-numbered properties can water plants on even- numbered dates 6 - 8am - e.g: 2nd, 4th, 6th
* Odd-numbered properties can water plants on odd numbered dates 6 - 8am - e.g. 1st, 3rd, 5th
* All properties may water plants on the 31st of each month.
* Residents aged 70+ can water plants on their specified days at the alternate time of 8am - 10am
* Automatic dripper systems can be used to water plants on specified watering days between midnight - 2am
* Rain/ grey water can be used at any time
* Cars can be washed at commercial car washes or by using rainwater

Media Enquires:
Caroline Doherty, Target 155 Media Manager
M: 0421 465 274
T: 9872 2473
[email protected]

Rainfall Storages and Rainfall Data
Nick McGay, Melbourne Water
M: 0438 981 836
T: 9235-2278
[email protected]

SOURCE: Target 155

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