Tap Into Water Saving Around The Home

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13th January 2010, 03:03pm - Views: 695

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Conservation Environment Building Commission And Plumbing Industry Commission 2 image

M&PR 8C Building Commission Media Release

Media Release

From the Building Commission and Plumbing Industry Commission

13 January 2010 

Tap into water saving around the home  

Did you know that the average family flushes the water equivalent of 80 litres of milk or nine

slabs of beer down the toilet every day?  

That is only 20 per cent of the water used by each household daily; and what’s more, it’s

perfectly good drinking water.

The good news is that every Victorian household can be water savvy to save our precious water

supply and save money through water rates.

Installing a rainwater tank for toilet flushing is one way. Residents who install a rainwater tank

use 25 per cent less drinking water than those without one. Always use a licensed plumber to

install a rainwater tank and make sure you receive a compliance certificate, which is mandatory

for plumbing work worth $750 or more. 

There are also simple changes that you can make to your home to save water:


Have a plumber install water-saving fittings to all taps outdoors and indoors 


Mulch your garden to restrict water evaporation


Get a plumber to install a dual-flush toilet, if you don’t already have one


Have a plumber fix dripping taps


Only run your dishwasher and washing machine when full


Install a shower timer – a four-minute shower is ample


Ask your plumber for further advice on recycling water or using water more


Making your home more water-efficient doesn’t have to be a huge financial commitment. Little

changes, like turning off the tap while cleaning your teeth, can make a big difference and save

our precious drinking water.

For further information on rainwater tanks, cold water and hot water plumbing and grey and

recycled water, visit www.pic.vic.gov.au  


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