Monday September 21, 2009
Today (Monday September 21), Sydney’s Town Hall clock will chime at 12.18pm
for the first time in its history.
Lord Mayor of Sydney Clover Moore MP will oversee the sounding of the bell at
12:18pm to highlight the importance to all Australians of the 18th day of the 12th
month this year when people will look to world leaders meeting at United Nations
talks in Copenhagen to sign a new global agreement to tackle climate change.
The Lord Mayor will be travelling to the Copenhagen Climate Summit for Mayors
which runs in parallel to the main event. She said, “The Mayor’s summit in
Copenhagen is an important opportunity to highlight the central role cities play in
reducing global emissions and to show our national government the practical steps
that can be taken now.
“When you look at the potential emission reductions cities can achieve combined
with the Federal Government’s Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme and Renewable
Energy Targets, there is a very strong argument for Australia to commit to more
ambitious targets in Copenhagen.”
Oxfam Australia’s Climate Change spokesperson Kelly Dent welcomed the City of
Sydney’s support in raising awareness about the importance of the date and climate
“Climate change is shaping into the biggest humanitarian issue we face this century.
World leaders need to wake up to the real threat already being posed by climate
change and the pressing need to find a global climate change deal in Copenhagen in
December,” Ms Dent said.
This event is one of over 1000 planned in 88 countries across the globe on Monday
September 21, to remind people of the crucial United Nations climate change talks in
Copenhagen in December.
12.10pm – Media to arrive at Sydney Town Hall.
12:18 – Clock chiming at 12.18 followed by doorstop interviews with the Lord Mayor
of Sydney Clover Moore and Oxfam Spokesperson Kelly Dent.
12:20 – Interview and photo opportunities (photographers are able to be taken up to
the bell tower).
For media enquiries, contact:
Oxfam Australia: Sunita Bose 0407 555 960
City of Sydney: Kristie Down 0488 008 261