Syd Briefing Alert: Global Carbon Emissions Still Increasing - Nature Geo

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18th November 2009, 09:22am - Views: 841

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Global carbon emissions still increasing – Nature Geo

STRICT GLOBAL EMBARGO LIFTS at 5am AEDT Wed 18 November 2009

NATIONAL MEDIA BRIEFING – Today, Wed 18 Nov at 10.30am AEDT 

at the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney (also available online)

A paper published today in Nature Geo provides the latest global assessment of carbon

dioxide emissions from human activities and trends in the ocean and land “sinks” that absorb

CO2 from the atmosphere. Despite efforts to mitigate climate change and the recent global

financial crisis, emissions are still on the increase, the study reports. The global financial

crisis will provide a only brief respite in the upward trend of emissions from fossil fuels, but

there are encouraging signs of decreases in emissions from deforestation.

Join this briefing at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney (also online) to get details of the

analysis from co-author and Chair of the Global Carbon Project (GCP), Dr Mike Raupach. A

rapid roundup of comment is also available – contact the Science Media Centre for details.



Dr Mike Raupach, Co-Chair, Global Carbon Project and Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO

Marine and Atmospheric Research


DATE: Today - Wed 18 November 2009


DURATION: Approx 40 min

VENUE: Board Room, Powerhouse Museum, 500 Harris St, Ultimo (Sydney) also available online

PHONE CONTACT ON THE DAY: Imogen Jubb (0417 258 020)

PARKING: For information about parking at the Powerhouse, please click here. There is a special flat

rate of $15 once validated at the Museum's Admissions Counter.


Journalists not able to attend can follow the briefing online via audio and video streaming.  The

presenter will speak for approximately 15 minutes followed by questions. Online journalists will also

have the opportunity to ask questions.  The link to join the event can be found on our website at

Audio files will also be posted on our website as soon as possible after the event.

For interview requests or queries on the day, phone Imogen Jubb (0417 258 020) or Susannah Eliott

(0424 676 136).

18 November 2009

Australian Science Media Centre (AusSMC)    ***Note new phone/fax and street address**

New street address: The Science Exchange, 55 Exchange Place, ADELAIDE  SA  5000

Ph: (08) 7120 8666 | Fax: (08) 8231 7333 | |


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