Statewide Appeal Launched To "send Back Sandy"

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21st October 2009, 12:47pm - Views: 956

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Media Release

21 October, 2009

Statewide appeal launched to “Send Back Sandy”

Endangered seal suit stolen

West Australian celebrity Sandy the Seal has been stolen and a statewide appeal has today been launched to

“Send Back Sandy” - the mascot of the Save Our Marine Life alliance.

“Have you seen Sandy? Please send her back,” Tim Nicol from the Conservation Council of WA and Save

Our Marine Life alliance said. “Volunteers were in tears. Someone stole Sandy from the back of the stall we

had at the One Movement Festival on Saturday and so far the police have found no trace of her.”

“There has been one unconfirmed report since then that Sandy was seen dancing at the festival after the suit

was stolen from us, but since then – nothing.”

The Send Back Sandy appeal has a reward on offer for anyone who provides information that leads to the

suit being found and returned.

Anyone with any leads on Sandy’s whereabouts is urged to contact Tim Nicol at CCWA on 9420 7266,

or leave a message on the wall of our facebook page at Save Australia’s Big Blue Backyard at

The Sandy the Seal suit was especially built for summer with an air-conditioned head and imported from the

USA. It cost $2000 and volunteers were fundraising for months to be able to buy the suit.

“Sandy is pretty hard to miss in a crowd – look for a large brown head, whiskers and blue eyes, as well as

webbed feet,” Mr Nicol said.

Sandy has become the number one personality of Western Australia’s biggest community conservation

campaign and has gained a cult following at rock concerts, public festivals and on twitter. But tragically the

entire suit was stolen at the One Movement Festival last weekend.

Mr Nicol said Sandy the Seal’s home is part of the globally significant south west region of Australia, from

Esperance to Kalbarri, and volunteers are urging the federal government to improve protection.

“The southern waters of WA are home to a far greater proportion of unique marine life than the Great Barrier

Reef and is in urgent need of a network of marine sanctuaries. But, less than one per cent of the region

currently has any protection in place,” he said.

Save Our Marine Life is a significant alliance of Australian and international conservation groups - the

Conservation Council of Western Australia, Australian Conservation Foundation, The Wilderness Society,

WWF Australia, Australian Marine Conservation Society, The Nature Conservancy, the Pew Environment

Group, Project AWARE, Conservation Council of SA, and the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society.

* Images of Sandy are available at the photos section at

Media enquiries:

Paul Sheridan, 0410 516 656

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