Short Term Actions Needed To Lower Emissions

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4th December 2009, 09:00am - Views: 834

People Feature Council Of Capital City Lord Mayors 1 image

Media Release


December 2009

Turn Up Action to Turn Down Emissions

Independent research has supported the strong emphasis that capital cities have placed on

short-term actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

A briefing paper prepared by the Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) on behalf of the

Council of Capital City Lord Mayors (CCCLM) ahead of the UN Conference on Climate

Change in Copenhagen confirms cities are crucial to achieving sizeable carbon emissions

abatement over the next decade.

The analysis by ISF, part of the University of Technology Sydney, supported the CCCLM

adopting the simple principle of reducing annual greenhouse gas emissions from within its

boundaries each year from 2010; and in urging the Federal Government to adopt this

principle for Australia as a whole.

It says in reversing emissions growth in the short-term, cities can act as a catalyst for long-

term measures and planning.

The eight capital cities making up CCCLM have committed to slashing greenhouse gas

emissions, in collaboration with other parties, by a collective 57 million tonnes a year by

2020 through a suite of actions. 

This level of abatement is equal to a 41 per cent reduction on projected pollution figures if no

action is taken nationally.

City of Sydney Lord Mayor, Clover Moore MP, the Chair of CCCLM, said the ISF analysis

added to the argument for Federal Government engagement with cities for actionson

stemming global warming.

“The capital cities have the runs on the board in reducing greenhouse gas emissions – but

we have to do a lot more,” Ms Moore said.

“Setting ambitious emissions abatement targets for 2020 and 2030 is not enough. Our first

priority should be to stop emissions rising and start reducing them, not in 2020 but in 2010.

Partnerships with the Federal Government and the community are necessary to achieve

such outcomes.”

Capital cities are proposing the Commonwealth Government help them reduce emissions

more effectively in the short and long-term, by:


Adopting tough annual national emissions targets;


Allowing voluntary actions to contribute to reducing emissions targets under the

Federal Government’s proposed Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme;


Supporting aggressive energy efficiency measures;


Banning new carbon intensive power stations.

People Feature Council Of Capital City Lord Mayors 2 image

Clover Moore MP, and the Lord Mayor of Melbourne, Robert Doyle have been invited to be

Australia’s delegates at the Copenhagen-based Climate Summit for Mayors organised by

the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group and the international Local Governments for

Sustainability (ICLEI). 

“We will be advocating strongly in Copenhagen for decisive action by world leaders,” Ms

Moore added.

The short-term actions cities will focus on, in collaboration with other parties, are drawn from:


Residential and commercial building efficiency retrofits


District combined cooling heat and power (CCHP)


Waste to energy technology


Street lighting efficiencies


Transport improvements


Employee Density/Residential Density


Renewable energy

The ISF briefing paper argues that the current international concentration on medium to

long-term commitments created the risk of communities becoming cynical about such targets

when scientists were warning that action was also urgently needed in the short-term.

Media contact: Graham Cassidy, Cato Counsel, 0419 202317, or Deborah Wilkinson,

CCCLM, 62 85 1672

The CCCLM comprises:


Rt Hon Lord Mayor of Adelaide, Michael Harbison


Rt Hon Lord Mayor of Brisbane, Cr Campbell Newman


Mr Jon Stanhope, MLA, ACT Chief Minister and Minister for Territory and

Municipal Services


Rt Hon Graeme Sawyer, Lord Mayor of Darwin


Rt Hon Lord Mayor of Hobart, Alderman Rob Valentine


Rt Hon Lord Mayor of Melbourne, Robert Doyle


Rt Hon Lord Mayor of Perth, Lisa Scaffidi


Rt Hon Clover Moore MP, Lord Mayor of Sydney



64 per cent of the total population


63 per cent of small, medium and large businesses


78 per cent of economic growth (2001-06)


70 per cent of Gross Domestic Product


66 per cent of total jobs


70 per cent of total international visits (6 million plus visitors a year)


$1trillion in managed funds (the fourth largest in the world)


$3 billion a year investment by capital city councils


Administration by capital city councils of more than 25 billion in assets

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