Save Energy And Clean The Air With The Innovative New Ionic Air Purifier In A Light Bulb

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13th August 2010, 11:32am - Views: 1092

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Purify the air in your home or office with an amazing ionic air-purifier in a light bulb –

NEW in Australia.

Kleen Glo is a chemical free innovative air purifier that works silently through a

simple energy efficient light bulb.

This ionic bulb generates negative ions which attach themselves to pollutants and

quickly neutralize them, resulting in clean fresh air.

Introduced into Australia by Queensland based company Auslamps as a lifestyle

improvement product, Kleen Glo has the potential to revolutionize air purification in the

home and office whilst providing brighter light and saving money.

Owner and Director of the company, Mr Subbu Buddhavarapu, said, ‘These energy

efficient air purifying light bulbs are used in Europe and America in nursing homes and

hospitals and recommended by doctors.’

According to the CSIRO indoor air is more polluted than air outside. 

Australians on  average spend 95% of their time indoors.

Homes are populated by mites, moulds, bacteria, animal dander, pollen, and

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).

Simply replacing existing light bulbs with Kleen Glo ionic air purifier bulbs results in

pollutants such as dust, allergens, odours, pollen, pet dander and smoke being eliminated

from the home or workplace while saving energy.

The potential beneficial effects of the Kleen Glo bulb are :

improvement in skin health, 

an increase in energy levels, 

overall well being, reducing histamines that trigger hay fever, and

improved sleep after use of the light bulb.

The added benefit is the 80% savings on lighting energy. Also the bulb lasts ten times

longer than a normal light bulb, and it gives much brighter light.

Kleen Glo is the innovative solution for indoor air pollution.

The Kleen Glo bulb is available from the Queensland Company, Auslamps, 10% discount will be provided when this article is mentioned.

Conditions apply.

Contact Ph:1300 944 595 Email:

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