Oxfam is a leading international aid agency working with communities around the world for solutions to poverty and social injustice.
New report offers solution to climate change deadlock
A new report launched today (Thursday 11 June) could break the deadlock at the heart of the UN
climate talks currently underway in Bonn who is going to cut emissions and who is going to pay.
The report, Hang Together or Separately? How Global Cooperation is Key to a Fair and
Adequate Climate Deal at Copenhagen, outlines a fair way to deliver the emissions cuts which
the science says are needed to avoid catastrophic climate change.
The Oxfam reports proposals include a new Global Mitigation Finance Mechanism which would
use money from the sale of carbon permits to enable developing countries to reduce poverty and
progress development whilst contributing to global emissions reductions.
The report shows:
In order to avoid catastrophic climate change, developed countries responsible for three-
quarters of carbon currently in the atmosphere - must collectively cut their emissions by at
least 40 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020, with a majority of these reductions occurring
Australia would need to increase its 2020 emissions reduction target from the current
maximum target of 25, to 40 per cent;
Developing countries also need to contribute to global emissions reductions. Oxfam
proposes overall emissions cuts in developing countries of 30 per cent below business as
usual by 2020. However, poor countries need help from developed countries to make this
The report proposes a new Global Mitigation Finance Mechanism that would use money
from the sale of carbon permits (allocated under the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change) to help poor countries finance the necessary emissions
reductions and adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change. At least $187 billion
(US $150 billion) globally would be needed a year, a relatively small amount compared
with the cost of inaction which economist Sir Nicolas Stern estimates could be as much
as 5-20 per cent of global GDP and the trillions of dollars that were found to bail out
developed country banks;
The worlds poorest countries, such as the Philippines, Vietnam and Nigeria, would
receive 100 per cent of the funding they need to shift to a low carbon development path.
However, more advanced developing economies such as Brazil and China would be
expected to fund a proportion of the costs, depending on their economic capabilities.
Oxfam Australia climate change spokesperson Julie-Anne Richards, who is in Bonn, said a global
climate deal was due to be finalised in Copenhagen in December but negotiations were moving at
a snails pace.
The deadlock threatening these talks must be broken if we are to have any hope of avoiding a
human catastrophe, she said. This report provides a way forward.
Ms Richards said that as a high per capita polluter, Australias fair share of finance towards
adaptation and emissions reductions in developing countries would amount to $4.3 billion (US
$3.5 billion) annually, from 2013 when the new global climate deal began.
This amount equates to the value of free permits that Australias proposed Carbon Pollution
Reduction Scheme would be giving to big polluters in 2013, which is the year a new global
climate deal would come into effect, Ms Richards said.
Media Release
Oxfam is a leading international aid agency working with communities around the world for solutions to poverty and social injustice.
Many developing countries have already made significant steps to reduce emissions and
signalled their willingness to discuss further action provided that developed countries provide
financial and technological support. For example, Mexico has already committed to halving its
emissions by 2050 and China is a world leader in renewable energy investment - investing $12
billion into renewable energy in 2007.
Developing countries throughout the world from the small nations of the Pacific to the nations of
Sub-Saharan Africa - have contributed least to the problem of climate change, but are bearing the
greatest impact of climate change through rising sea levels, desertification, worse storms and
food and water shortages.
For more information, a copy of the report or the executive summary, and to arrange an
interview contact: Laurelle Keough on 0409 960 100 or laurellek@oxfam.orga.u
Notes for editors
Pictures and case studies illustrating the impact of a changing climate on poor communities
across the world can be downloaded from:
Video footage of the impacts of climate change including interviews is available for download
Oxfam is a founding member of the 'tck tck tck' campaign. The campaign brings together an
unprecedented alliance of NGOs, trade unions, faith groups and individuals. As world leaders
prepare to strike a climate deal in Copenhagen in December, the campaign aims to harness the
voices of people from around the globe to demand an ambitious, fair and binding climate deal
which reflects the latest science.