Melburnians Shrinking Water Use Week-on-week

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16th April 2010, 07:14pm - Views: 1108
Melburnians Shrinking Water Use Week-on-Week

Melburnians have this week used an average of just 138 litres per person per day, to improve our water saving ways for the past five weeks - by an average of more than 4 litres each week.

Despite less than 4 mm of rain[1] falling each week since the downpours of Labour Day weekend, our low water consumption has continued to reduce since the introduction of Stage 3 water restrictions on Good Friday.

Mr Tony Kelly, Managing Director of Yarra Valley Water and Target 155 spokesperson, thanked residents for their responsible water use since the more flexible restrictions were introduced.

"With the return of warmer, sunny weather this weekend, we're encouraging Melburnians to get out in the garden now to prepare for the cooler weather. April is the ideal time to mulch, plant and give your plants a boost with sea-weed solutions or organic matter, ensuring they are well established and nourished before the onset of winter," details Mr Kelly.

"By improving your garden's water efficiency and strengthening its resilience in autumn and winter, you'll give your garden the best preparation to withstand, and even thrive in the heat of summer. In addition, you'll find that your garden needs less water now, so you will be actively helping Melbourne to create an effective 'bank' of water savings for us to call upon in the warmer months," details Mr Kelly.

Melbourne's water storages are presently at 33.6 per cent - confirming the need to diversify Melbourne's water supply. Work is currently underway to build Australia's largest desalination plant, upgrade irrigation channels and expand the water grid.

But we all need to keep saving water.

For more information go to

[1] On average

Media Enquires:

Caroline Doherty, Target 155 Media Manager
M: 0421 465 274
T: 9872 2473
[email protected]

Rainfall Storages and Rainfall Data
Nick McGay, Melbourne Water
M: 0438 981 836
T: 9235-2278
[email protected]

Under Stage 3 Water Restrictions: - Effective Metro Melbourne
* Lawns must not be watered at any time
* Even and no-numbered properties can water plants on even- numbered dates 6 - 8am - e.g: 2nd, 4th, 6th
* Odd-numbered properties can water plants on odd numbered dates 6 - 8am - e.g. 1st, 3rd, 5th
* All properties may water plants on the 31st of each month.
* Residents aged 70+ can water plants on their specified days at the
alternate time of 8am - 10am
* Automatic dripper systems can be used to water plants on specified
watering days between midnight - 2am
* Rain/ grey water can be used at any time
* Cars can be washed at commercial car washes or by using rainwater

SOURCE: Target 155

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