Media Advisory: Oxfam At Copenhagen Climate Summit

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2nd December 2009, 04:49pm - Views: 689
Media Advisory
Wednesday 2 December 2009

Oxfam at the Copenhagen Climate Summit

Leading international aid agency Oxfam is campaigning for a strong and fair climate deal in Copenhagen that guarantees action in two critical areas - binding emission reduction targets for rich countries and the creation of a climate fund of new money to help poor countries to reduce emissions and adapt to a changing climate.

Information on Oxfam resources and our program of activity around the Summit is outlined below. For press releases, reactions and background information go to

Oxfam Australia spokespeople

Oxfam Australia climate change policy adviser Kelly Dent is in Copenhagen and will be available for interview and background briefings in the build-up to and during the Summit.

Oxfam Australia executive director Andrew Hewett is available for interview in Australia during the Summit.

NB. Copenhagen is 10 hours behind EST.

Other spokespeople

Climate witnesses: men and women who are already feeling the impact of climate change from Bangladesh, Uganda, Peru and the US will be available for interview in Copenhagen throughout the talks. Footage and photos which show the impacts of climate change on the witnesses lives and their communities are currently available.

Oxfam experts on the policy and politics of the negotiations, including the role of business, are available for briefings and interviews. Our team of experts come from the US, China, South Africa, Brazil, India, Bangladesh, Malawi, New Zealand, Australia and Europe - including Brussels and Denmark, France, UK, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands and Belgium.

The next generation: a young climate activist from China is attending Copenhagen as an envoy for the Chinese public and has visited poor communities who are struggling to cope with a changing climate. A team of negotiation trackers - young people from Australia, Canada, Italy, UK, France, China, Japan, Sweden, Brazil, India and Germany will also be present and following their country's role in the negotiations, raising awareness in their communities through daily blogs. (Go to

Pictures, Footage and Stories

Powerful human impact stories, high resolution photographs and broadcast quality footage are available to illustrate the impacts of climate change on people in every region of the world; innovative ways in which communities are attempting to adapt to a changing climate; and the global campaign for action on climate change including pictures and footage of Oxfam celebrity ambassadors.

All materials are available on

Photo and Filming Opportunities

On the opening day, and throughout the talks, Oxfam will be organising photo and film opportunities including:
* a 5 x 3m 3D depiction of a drought stricken African landscape by a well known pavement artist - there will be opportunities to film and photograph the artist at work as well as the finished image;
* a 3m high ice sculpture of two Maasai warriors - there will be opportunities to film and photograph the sculptures being created and slowly melting away;
* an installation featuring a Bangladesh woman standing in shoulder high in `flood' water in a 3.6 m clear tube.
Oxfam is a leading international aid agency working with communities around the world for solutions to poverty and social injustice.

Business and Climate Change: Thursday 10 and Friday 11 December

Corporate Leaders Group Debate, Thursday 10 December (12:30 14:30pm): Jeremy Hobbs, Oxfam's International's Executive Director, will join policy makers and influential business leaders from US, Europe and developing companies to debate the role of business in delivering an ambitious climate deal.

Copenhagen Business Day Panel Debate, Friday 11 December (14:00 - 16:00): Jeremy Hobbs, Oxfam's International's Executive Director, will join a panel of influential global business leaders to debate the role of business in delivering a low carbon future.

Global Day of Action: Saturday 12 December

Thousands of people will gather for a rally at Parliament Square at 1pm and march to the Bella Centre to demand a strong and fair climate deal. The event will end at 6.30pm with a candlelight vigil and a symbolic handover of messages to UN climate chief Yvo de Boer. Oxfam supporters and the climate witnesses will be part of the event and available for interview.

Humanitarian Day: Tuesday 15 December

The Inter-Agency Standing Committee - a coalition of humanitarian agencies including Oxfam, UN agencies, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and others - is organising a day of activity to highlight the human impact of climate change including:
* International Climate Hearing - 10:45 - 12:00 hearing; 12:00 - 12:15 press questions and answers; 12:30 - 12:45 photo opportunity. UN climate chief Yvo de Boer, Honorary Chair of Oxfam International and former UN Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson and Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu will be joined by climate-affected people from Uganda, Peru, Bangladesh and America whose harrowing testimonies will draw attention to the human impact of climate change. The climate witnesses represent over one and a half million people in 35 countries who have given testimony on the impacts of climate change at Oxfam-supported climate hearings in 2009. Film footage and photos of witness's personal stories and striking b-roll from recent climate hearings in Ethiopia, Bangladesh and Malawi will be available.
* Press conference - 16:45 - 17:15: Panel will include John Holmes, Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Barbara Stocking, Director of Oxfam Great Britain.

Additional events and activities will be added to the program shortly.

Media Contacts

In Copenhagen (10 hours behind EST):
Anna Mitchell:
+44 77 96 99 32 88 (UK mobile);
[email protected]

Laura Rusu:
+ 1 202 459 3739 (US mobile);
[email protected]

In Australia:
Laurelle Keough:
0409 960 100;
[email protected]

Oxfam International is a confederation of independent organisations from 14 countries around the world. It works to help others to tackle poverty.

Oxfam is a member of the tcktcktck campaign - a global coalition environments and development organisations, faith and youth groups and unions that is calling for a fair, ambitious and binding climate agreement in Copenhagen in December 2009.

Oxfam is a leading international aid agency working with communities around the world for solutions to poverty and social injustice.

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