Mcarthur River - Friday 23 January 2009
Conservation - Environment Press Release
23rd January 2009, 06:27pm -
Views: 685
Media Release
Apply pressure, get mine approved, close it anyway!
The operators of the McArthur River have once again been able to pressure a Government with threats to close the mine. For the operators it is a tried and tested approach working with Labor and Liberal Governments at both the Territory and Federal level since the mines inception in the early 1990's.
Charles Roche, Executive Director of the Mineral Policy Institute responded to the announcement "once again a Government has succumbed to threats of mine closure, fast tracking an assessment rather than being thorough and diligent. The twist here is that this time Xstrata is still acting unhappy and seem determined to force even greater concessions from the Government."
"It is hard to believe that not only is Garret fast tracking the decision, he has already decided to approve the river diversion."
"You could drive a mine truck through the flaws in this assessment process, unless Garret initiates a new assessment, his decision will be based on flawed and inadequate process marked by political interference."
"It is disappointing that environmental assessments at McArthur River will be fast tracked once again."
"Once again Xstrata has bluffed and browbeaten a Government into submission."
"We call upon Minister Garret to assess this mine properly, including a review of possible impacts on known rare or threatened species around the mine and downsteam to the Gulf of Carpentaria."
For further comment/information contact
Charles Roche on
0450 901 714 or
[email protected]SOURCE: Mineral Policy Institute