Lord Monckton Climate Presentations In Sydney Today

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27th January 2010, 04:30pm - Views: 709

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Media Release



Christopher Monckton, Viscount Brenchley, former advisor to Margaret Thatcher, began

his speaking tour of Australia on issues of climate and disguised taxing of energy at a

private function in Sydney today.

At 5.30pm Lord Monckton, accompanied by Professor Ian Plimer, will give a public lecture

at the Sheraton On The Park Hotel in Sydney before heading to Newcastle, Brisbane,

Melbourne, Canberra and Perth.  The tour is being

funded by two semi-retired engineers

from Noosa, Case Smit and John Smeed, as well as by public donation.

Alex Stuart, convener of the private function, and chairman of the Australian Environment

Foundation [AEF], said today “It is important for Australians to hear both sides of the global

warming debate and Monckton’s perspective is very different from that of the IPCC.”

“Given the importance of basing public policy on evidence, rather than beliefs, we need to

be absolutely certain of the scientific research behind the theory that man-made carbon

dioxide is responsible for climate change and to be very sceptical of


scenarios of catastrophe.”

“These scenarios are mere speculation.  Recent scandals in climate science show that

IPCC climate scientists can’t be sure of them either.  Recent polling by Roy Morgan

Research that shows our view is shared by a majority of the Australian public:  fewer than

half of Australians now support the introduction of an Emissions Trading Scheme [ETS].”

Amended emissions trading legislation will be presented to the parliament

next week by

the government in a very different climate of public opinion than when it was introduced for

the first time last year.  It also looks highly unlikely that the US version –

known as ‘cap-

and-trade’ -

will succeed in Congress following the collapse of the Copenhagen Summit

and the loss, due to the Massachusetts Senate election last week, of the Democratic

Party’s veto-proof majority in the US Senate.

“AEF instigated the first online petition protesting the introduction of emissions trading in

Australia because it is extremely bad policy, with no basis in evidence, apparently done for

political and electoral purposes.” 

“AEF has been opposed to the ETS from its inception on the basis it would have no effect

whatever on the climate, or on temperature, or the environment.  Nor would it provide a

foundation for a much-needed evidence-based policy on real issues of climate in Australia,

like drought, floods, cyclones and bushfires” concluded Mr Stuart.



Roy Morgan poll

Online Petition

AEF Chairman, Alex Stuart 0448 807178

AEF Executive Director: Max Rheese 0428 621320

January 27th 2010 

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The Australian Environment Foundation (AEF) is a not-for-profit, membership-based

environment organisation having no political affiliation.  The AEF is a different kind of

environment group, caring for both Australia & Australians.  Many of our members are

practical environmentalists – people who actively use and also care for the environment. 

We accept that environmental protection and sustainable resource use are generally

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