Local Government Joins Climate Change Talks In Copenhagen

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7th December 2009, 02:30pm - Views: 767

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7 December 2009

Local government joins climate change talks in Copenhagen

The president of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), Cr Geoff Lake, will fly to

Copenhagen later today at the conclusion of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting to join

the official Australian delegation to COP 15.

Cr Lake joins the Prime Minister, Climate Change Minister Penny Wong, the South Australian Premier, the

Queensland and Victorian Climate Change Ministers and senior federal and state officials as part of

Australia’s delegation.

“We are pleased that the Australian Government has included local government in its delegation to

Copenhagen.  The 565 councils across Australia have a significant role to play in responding to climate

change and it is appropriate that they are represented at these discussions.

“Councils are at the coal face in dealing with the effects of a warming climate such as responding to rising

sea levels and increased natural disasters so is vital that local government has a seat at the table.

“Local government supports action on climate change and we are keen to play our part in reducing carbon

emissions and supporting communities to adapt to the effects of climate change.”


Cr Lake is also a member of the newly established Coasts and Climate Change Council chaired by Professor

Tim Flannery.  He will be at Copenhagen from 8-15 December and can be contacted on +61 411 645 281 and

at geoff.lake@alga.asn.au.   



Cr Geoff Lake, ALGA President     0411 645 281

         Monica Telesny, Policy Adviser     02 6122 9434

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