Knowledge Discovery For Agriculture And Nrm

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9th September 2009, 04:16pm - Views: 820

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Knowledge discovery for agriculture and NRM

A national integrated on-line knowledge discovery tool for agriculture and natural resources in Australia

is being launched today (Wednesday 9 September).

Australian Agriculture and Natural Resources Online (AANRO) is Australia’s first full-text research

repository on agriculture and land and water resources. It has been developed through the collaboration

of 36 partners across Australia: rural research and development corporations; and federal, state and

territory government agencies with interests in agriculture or natural resources management. It is being

launched at the Hyatt Hotel Canberra by ACT Senator Kate Lundy.

AANRO includes three major linked databases: one on research in progress, a second of researcher

profiles, and the third of final research reports, the key to a vast wealth of new knowledge from research

projects across the nation.

“AANRO will prove to be a powerful tool for making new knowledge about agriculture and natural

resources readily available both within the research community and to land owners and managers

across Australia,” the Chairman of the AANRO Management Committee, Dr Gerry Maynes, said today.

“It would not have been possible without the commitment of all our partners, including agencies from

very the Commonwealth and every state and territory government across Australia, as well as the rural

research and development corporations,” he said. “This is a major initiative in making the outputs of

publicly funded research readily and freely available to all. It sets a new standard in open access for

agriculture and natural resource management research.”

Australian Agriculture and Natural Resources Online is at

Further information: Dr Michael Robinson 041999291

or Dr Gerry Maynes 02 62716377

9 September 2009

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