Junior Landcarers Tell Their Story

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2nd October 2009, 01:34pm - Views: 761

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Landcare Queensland 

PO Box 13204, George Street  Q  4003

M E D I A   R E L E A S E

5 October 2009

Junior Landcarers tell their Story

To celebrate World Habitat Day, Landcare Queensland is pleased to announce the launch

of a series of digital stories titled Our Land: Our Future, showcasing school students

working with Landcare groups to help protect and restore their local environment.

The Our Land: Our Future project involved school students from five primary schools in

South East Queensland who have learnt about their local environment through junior

landcare activities and implemented environmental initiatives within their own school

grounds and the wider community. 

The digital stories have been prepared using PlaceStories, a web based story-telling and

communication system, allowing the children to document their interaction with the

environment and communicate their experience with a wider audience.

Justin Ward Landcare Queensland Project Coordinator said, “The children thoroughly

enjoyed the process of making these PlaceStories and learnt a lot about local

environmental issues in the process. The Our Land Our Future PlaceStories offer real

hope for the future of our precious natural resources as they reflect the passion and

enthusiasm of today’s young people in caring for their environment.”

“The Our Land: Our Future, project has been made possible with the support of a Natural

Resource Awareness Grant from the Department of Environment and Resource

Management. These grants concentrate on raising awareness about natural resource

management issues and communicating the successful land management initiatives that

are taking place across Queensland”.

“Web-based PlaceStories has provided the perfect platform for the students to share

their story and hopefully inspire other children to become involved in protecting our

natural assets, shaping a future generation of landcarers”.

To view the Our Land: Our Future PlaceStories visit

to check out the PlaceStories now and be inspired by the landcarers of the future.


Media enquiries to Landcare Queensland, 07 3211 4413.


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