Junior Landcare Launch

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4th June 2009, 12:19pm - Views: 732

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Media enquiries to:

Chloe Tanner


Landcare Queensland 

07 3211 4413 or chloe@landcare.org.au

M E D I A   


04 June 2009

Junior Landcare program comes to life

Landcare Queensland and ENERGEX announced a new program this week which will see both

organisations working to deliver important environmental messages to a new generation of

Landcarers. The South East Queensland Junior Landcare project will see nearly 900 students

across the region involved in revegetation in their local catchment.

Over each year of the three year partnership, ten schools in South East Queensland will partner

with their local Landcare group to spend a day in a living classroom participating in on-ground

projects and learning about the value of the natural environment.

Geoff Penton, Chair Landcare Queensland says the program will allow young people an

opportunity to participate in real environmental projects being carried out by voluntary landcare


“This Junior Landcare initiative will allow young people to play an active role in our region’s

sustainable future,” said Penton.  “With thanks to ENERGEX we have a real opportunity to invest

in our future landcarers by involving them in activities and decisions about the environment in

which they live.”

Mr Penton said that working with ENERGEX and other corporate partners has allowed Landcare

Queensland to develop programs and support mechanisms for the landcare network that are

beneficial to the partners of both organisations, and the sustainable outcomes they are trying to


“This year Landcare Queensland has helped secure over $300,000 worth of corporate support for

the landcare network in Queensland. This demonstrates the business communities growing

commitment to supporting sustainability initiatives which, has become critical to the survival of

the self-driven network,” he said.

“Landcare is about addressing local issues with local solutions; ENERGEX’s support of the Junior

Landcare program goes to the heart of this ethos by introducing the next generation of landcarers

to their local environment and allowing them to get their hands dirty.”

Media inquiries to Landcare Queensland 0447 306 331 or chloe@landcare.org.au.

Conservation Environment Landcare Queensland 3 image

Media enquiries to:

Chloe Tanner


Landcare Queensland 

07 3211 4413 or chloe@landcare.org.au

About Landcare Queensland

Landcare Queensland is an independent not for profit organisation working with community,

government and businesses to protect and repair our natural resources. Since its formation in

2002 Landcare Queensland has assisted the Landcare volunteer movement to access information,

resources and support and assistance to undertake community projects to:


Improve farming practice and land management


Conserve and rehabilitate waterways


Re-vegetate native trees, shrubs and grasses


Protect wildlife habitat and biodiversity


Recover urban environments


Restore resilience following drought, flood, fire and cyclone

With over 300 self driven and locally based volunteer groups in Queensland, Landcare Queensland

is also a successful vehicle for raising general community awareness of Queensland and

Australia’s key environmental issues.

About Junior Landcare

Junior Landcare is about encouraging young people to play an active role in ensuring the safe

future of their environment.

Launched in May 1988, Junior Landcare recognises that the contribution of young people is vital if

the land they are to inherit is to be in the best possible condition. Junior Landcare also

encourages young people to develop a sense of responsibility to the land and other natural


Landcare activities can be successfully integrated into a range of topics within the school

curriculum or be part of scout or similar youth group activities.

Landcare programs organised by schools and youth groups provide a great framework for learning

in outdoor ‘living classrooms’. Junior Landcare enables kids of all ages to become involved with

their local landcare group and work on a range of environmental projects.

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