Media Alert
31 October, 2009
Oil and gas spill revelations undermine confidence in response plans and
protection of a 'jewel in WA's crown' - the Kimberley marine environment, the
Pew Environment Group said today.
Concerns are growing about the long term impacts of the oil spill off the
Kimberley coast on marine life.
Revelations about deaths of sea birds and sea snakes in an independent
report released by the federal environment minister leak out have sparked
increased alarm among scientists and environmentalists and follow
confirmation that there is at least two more weeks until the oil spill may be
John Carey, manager of the Kimberley Conservation Project for the Pew
Environment Group, is available over the weekend of 31/10 and 1/11 to
provide updates on the ongoing oil spill disaster.
Media enquiries: John Carey, 0400 450 399
The Pew Environment Group is an international conservation organisation
working in the Kimberley with Indigenous people, communities and
environment groups to secure long term protection of the globally significant