Ipaa National Conference Hits Brisbane 19/20 November

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12th November 2009, 04:32pm - Views: 558

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Released: Thursday 12 November 2009________________________________________________________________

MEDIA CONTACT    Melanie Mead

IPAA Queensland Executive Manager - External Relations 

     Ph: (07) 3228 2825

Mobile: 0438 188 186

                 Email: melanie.m@qld.ipaa.org.au  


IPAA NATIONAL CONFERENCE – 19/20 November 2009


In just seven days, one of the largest public sector conferences in Australia will land in Brisbane with a host

of international and local speakers including Queensland Premier Anna Bligh MP.

The 2009 IPAA National Conference is being held next week on the 19th and 20th of November at the

Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, boasting a program of more than 45 of the best local, national

and international speakers.

Themed ‘The Changing Public Sector Climate’, this year’s conference is not another climate change

conference; rather, it highlights key themes and the latest research surrounding public sector resilience, an

ageing workforce, community engagement and cross government collaboration.

IPAA National President Mr Andrew Podger


said the Conference comes in the midst of a


environment of continuing change and uncertainty and will be one of education and developing new ways

to deal with the changing world.

“We are in

an environment which calls for a more mobile and agile public service, able to respond and

contribute to international developments.

“We need to develop the capacity to be able to design and deliver innovative services to the public, and to

help governments steer the community through turbulent times,” Mr Podger said.

Keynote speakers at the Conference include leading authority on global issues, Dr Keith Suter; Secretary-

General for National Renewal Netherlands,

Professor Roel Bekker;

President of the Australian Local

Government Association, Councillor Geoff Lake and British Labour Party Politician, the

Right Honourable

David Blunkett.

“There is no doubt the Conference program is rich and intensive, yet the real benefits will come from the

active participation of delegates, bringing discussions, experience and expertise to the forefront of our

minds,” Mr Podger said. 

For the first time, the IPAA National Conference will adopt the interactive technology ‘IML keypads’. The

technology allows delegates to comment on speakers and sessions in real time and pose questions for the

much awaited final panel discussion.

It has been six years since Brisbane last hosted the IPAA National Conference.

The Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) is a voluntary, non-profit, member organisation

enabling people with an interest in public administration and public sector reform to exchange ideas on

trends, practices and innovations in public administration. 

For all you need to know about the 2009 IPAA National Conference visit the dedicated website




Mr Andrew Podger, IPAA National President

Ph: 0418 201 768

Mr Peter Rumph, CEO IPAA Queensland

Ph: 0413 339 841

Dr Keith Suter

On request

Professor Roel Bekker, Secretary-General for National Renewal, Netherlands

On request

Cr Geoff Lake, President, Australian Local Government Association 

On request

Right Honourable David Blunkett, British Labour Party Politician

On request

Conservation Environment IPAA National 4 image


Released: Thursday 12 November 2009________________________________________________________________

MEDIA CONTACT    Melanie Mead

IPAA Queensland Executive Manager - External Relations 

     Ph: (07) 3228 2825

Mobile: 0438 188 186

                 Email: melanie.m@qld.ipaa.org.au  



The 2009 IPAA National Conference will bring together more than 450 delegates from 11 countries to


More than 20 international delegates will be arriving from countries including Canada, China, the Cook

Islands, Hong Kong, Kiribati (South Pacific), the Netherlands, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea,

Thailand and the United Kingdom.

Every effort has been made to ensure the 2009 IPAA National Conference is as ‘green’ as possible, the

key theme for the Gala Dinner on Thursday 19 November. A carbon calculator will be used post

conference to offset carbon emissions used.

Features 45 speakers from around the world.

The last IPAA National Conference to be held in Queensland was in 2003 which attracted more than

620 delegates.

The 2010 IPAA National Conference will be held in South Australia at the Adelaide Convention Centre

on the 21st and 22nd of October.


Principal Sponsor Queensland Government.

Interactive Technology Sponsor The Institute of Chartered Accountants.

50th Garran Oration Sponsor KPMG.

Gold Sponsors Commonwealth Departments of Health and Ageing; Infrastructure, Transport,

Regional Development and Local Government; and Human Services, Griffith University, Microsoft,

University of Queensland Business School.

Silver Sponsors Commonwealth Attorney General’s Department, Hudson, Commonwealth

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.

Bronze Sponsors Brisbane City Council, Chartered Secretaries Australia, Commonwealth

Departments of Finance and Deregulation and Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, KBR, Fish &

Nankivell Executive Search, Queensland University of Technology.

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