Innovative Remediation Technology Proposed At Barangaroo 1

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12th October 2010, 05:24pm - Views: 1066
Innovative Remediation Technology Proposed at Barangaroo

Today, an application to commence trials of a remediation technology, new to Australia but proven in the US, to treat soil and groundwater contamination was lodged with the NSW Department of Planning.

This is not the commencement of the remediation works themselves at Barangaroo, it is an application to trial the technology before remediation by approved methods is undertaken on site.

The innovative technology known as SISCO (Surfactant-Enhanced In Situ Chemical Oxidation) enables the remediation of certain contamination where it lies (in-situ), beneath the ground, rather than the traditional excavation method.

The application has been lodged by Lend Lease which has been appointed by the Barangaroo Delivery Authority to undertake the remediation of historic contamination of the old Miller's Point Gasworks on the site.

"This application marks the first step in the final resolution of this historic contamination problem which has adversely affected this part of Sydney for the best part of a century", said Mike Collins, Chairman of the Barangaroo Delivery Authority

"The contamination at Barangaroo is largely the result of the operations of the Millers Point Gasworks and today, that contamination is located underground, including beneath an existing road. The SISCO remediation technology can be ideal for the remediation of former gas works pollutants and it has been successfully applied at former gasworks sites in the United States," Mr Collins said.

The 'in situ' technology enables contamination to be treated without the need for invasive excavation, with low impact to the local community. The SISCO method delivers a range of important environmental and other benefits including:

* Reducing the amount of excavation required
* Treating contamination where it lies underground limiting the amount of
contamination required to be brought to the surface
* Reducing the amount of material required to be taken off site and disposed of in landfill
* Limits the amount of disruption to traffic on Hickson Road
* Reducing the impacts on local residents, business and other neighbours

CEO of the Barangaroo Delivery Authority, John Tabart said that critically, the method needs to be tested on site to ensure that it delivers standards of remediation which meet the strict guidelines set by the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW).

"Further, the SISCO method will be closely monitored and controlled, and will need to meet the standards set by the independent site auditor," Mr Tabart said.

"If the trials are successful and approved by the Department of Planning and DECCW, the SISCO technology would be able to be used on part of the Gasworks remediation area.

The project application for the SISCO trials will go on formal exhibition as part of the NSW Department of Planning process.

Media Contacts:
Julian Brophy
0408 276 749

Natalie Soltyszewski
0413 995 043

SOURCE: Barangaroo Delivery Authority

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