Illegal Timber Ban Would Protect Forests, Consumers And Create Jobs In Australia

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15th October 2009, 12:18am - Views: 687


Government Report on Illegal Timber

Ban would protect forests, consumers and create jobs in Australia. Now it's time to deliver.

Sydney, Wednesday 14 October 2009: Yesterday, the Government finally released a draft Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) on illegal logging. The report once again confirms that illegal logging is having a devastating impact and that Australia continues to import illegally logged timber products. It also shows that a ban would not only be effective, but would create an estimated 1108 jobs in Australia's forestry sector and benefit the domestic timber industry.

"The CIE report confirms that world-wide environmental and social costs from illegal logging are $US 60.5 billion a year and that up to 12% of Australia's timber comes from illegally logged sources. Now Minister Tony Burke needs to finally live up to the ALP election promise, put an end to this shame and implement a ban on illegal timber imports," said Greenpeace Campaigner Reece Turner.

Illegal logging is a major problem for Australia. Australian consumers are unwittingly buying timber that is directly linked to climate change, human rights abuse and biodiversity loss. Every day, communities in neighbouring countries like PNG and Indonesia are directly affected by the unregulated way that we import their trees.

The biggest names in the Australian timber industry such as Bunnings, IKEA, A3P and Simmonds Lumber signed a Joint Statement earlier this year calling on the Government to deliver measures to fulfil their election commitment to stop the importation of illegal timber.

"Greenpeace would like to see strict requirements on importing companies to demonstrate that timber products have been independently verified as legally logged and to make it a criminal offence to trade in illegal timber," said Turner. "It's time for the Government to finish off the job."

For more information, contact Greenpeace Media Advisor Jessa Latona on 02 9263 0360 or 0488 208 465

1. The Joint Statement has been signed by timber merchants and large timber retailers including IKEA, Bunnings and Simmonds Lumber and by leading environment groups WWF, Oxfam, The Wilderness Society, the Australian Conservation Foundation and Greenpeace. Full Statement available at:

SOURCE: Greenpeace

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