Ibm And Universiti Brunei Darussalam To Collaborate On Climate Modeling Research

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14th October 2010, 11:19am - Views: 1107

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IBM and Universiti Brunei Darussalam to Collaborate on Climate Modeling Research

BANDAR SERI BAGAWAN, Brunei Darussalam, Oct. 14 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

          ASEAN region's first Blue Gene supercomputer will explore

     impact of climate modeling on Brunei's flood forecasting, crop yield, 

                      energy and rainforest resources

    IBM (NYSE: IBM) and Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) today announced an

agreement to collaborate on climate modeling research that will investigate

the impact of climate change on flood forecasting, crop yields, renewable

energy and the health of rainforests in the region.

    The collaboration will help Universiti Brunei Darussalam accelerate its

research capabilities in biodiversity, energy and agrotechnology. Universiti

Brunei Darussalam will acquire an IBM Blue Gene supercomputer-the first of

its kind in the South East Asia (ASEAN) region- to provide high performance

computing power for the collaborative work.

    Researchers from UBD and IBM will work together to develop climate models

based on regional climate data. The new hydrological models will be

incorporated into the weather models to enable flood forecasting and predict

climatic impact on the rainforests.

    The UBD-IBM collaboration also will support Brunei Darussalam's "vision

2035" goal of developing well educated people with high quality of life and a

dynamic, sustainable economy.

    This collaboration will provide UBD researchers the opportunity to work

with world class researchers from IBM's global research laboratories on

projects that will analyze and assess the current and future impact of

climate change in the ASEAN region.

    "Universiti Brunei Darussalam's collaboration with IBM reinforces our

mission to be a first class international university, priding ourselves as a

research-driven educational enterprise with focus that is aligned with key

national priorities to help Brunei Darussalam achieve its vision of a

knowledge-based economy," said Dr. Hj Zulkarnain bin Hj Hanafi, UBD Vice


    "This research collaboration with UBD has the potential to drive new

breakthroughs in the understanding of regional climate change and translating

that knowledge into improved flood forecasting and higher crop yield," said

Tom Reeves, Vice President, IBM Research Partnerships. "We are excited to

collaborate with UBD on an initiative that can help increase innovation and

entrepreneurship in Brunei, while providing IBM an opportunity to expand the

impact of its research expertise in the important area of climate change."

    About IBM

    For more information about IBM's work with universities, visit:

    About Universiti Brunei Darussalam

    For more information, visit

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    Media contacts:

    Chris Andrews

    IBM Media Relations


    Nadiah Syed Nahar          Dr. Joyce Teo Siew Yean

    IBM Malaysia Sdn Bhd       Universiti Brunei Darussalam

    +603-2301 3754             +6732-463001 ext. 1277/2112


    CONTACT: Chris Andrews, IBM Media Relations



          or Nadiah Syed Nahar, IBM Malaysia Sdn Bhd

             +603-2301 3754


          or Dr. Joyce Teo Siew Yean

             Universiti Brunei Darussalam

             +6732-463001 ext. 1277/2112


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