Green Business Incentives For Nsw Painters

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30th July 2010, 05:57pm - Views: 1207

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Green Business Incentives for NSW Painters

Painters and paint retailers throughout New South Wales are being offered subsidised

training to support business growth with sustainable products, services and work practices.

The delivery of the new course will be partly funded by the Department of Education and

Training’s Green Small Business Incentive program, as part of the Green Skills NSW


Accredited training will be provided by Impact Training in collaboration with GreenPainters,

the national sustainability initiative for the painting industry. Painting contractors and paint

retailers will be able to have 90% of the course cost funded by the NSW government, and

the course will count towards national qualifications.

“The funding will allow us to train hundreds of NSW painters to improve their sustainability;

and to understand and promote new ‘green’ paint technology”, says Mr Daniel Wurm,

GreenPainters Training Officer. “Consumers in NSW will be able to use a painting service

that minimises waste, is EPA compliant, protects indoor air quality, and can help them

improve building energy efficiency. In addition, the painters themselves will be educated in

the health benefits of new sustainable paint technology, for themselves and their clients. It’s

a great outcome for the consumer, builders, painters, and the environment.”

The GreenPainters Environmental Sustainability Course™ focuses on:

EPA legislation

Waste management and recycling

Sustainable paint technologies

Implementation of sustainability strategies.

Course materials were developed specifically for the NSW painting industry, in consultation

with leading ‘green’ manufacturers and stakeholders.

GreenPainters will be offering the training in major NSW cities. Painters, builders and paint

Funded places are limited.

GreenPainters is a non-profit program, established to provide advice, knowledge and skills to

help the painting industry go green. The web-site provides

consumer information to help builders and renovators achieve the look they want while

being environmentally sensitive and health-conscious. Painters that complete the training

may be listed on the web-site.

If you would like more information about this topic or you would like to arrange an

interview, please contact Daniel Wurm on 0402 312234, or email

For detailed industry information about green business, skills and training, see the Green

Skills Business Guide

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