Gold Coaster To Keynote State Landcare Conference

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27th March 2008, 03:03pm - Views: 772

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2008 Queensland Landcare Conference

MEDIA RELEASE  |  27 March 2008 

Gold Coaster Stephen Davis 

to visit Burnett as keynote speaker

Well known Gold Coast comedian and lifelong environmentalist, Stephen Davis has been announced as a

keynote speaker at the 2008 Queensland Landcare Conference being held in Monto in the North Burnett from 21

– 24 September.  Stephen has been performing as a comedian at events around the world for some 30 years,

and was recently chosen to be part of the Al Gore Climate messenger team because of his ability to communicate

serious topics with an element of humour.  

Stephen’s presentation will provide delegates with an overview of the impacts and causes of climate change and

will challenge people to commit to sustainability principles.  Stephen is one of several keynote speakers to feature

at this 19th annual Landcare Conference which will focus on the theme Sustainability by Design.  

Other topics include peak oil, bushfoods, local food production systems, mental health, sustainable agriculture,

balancing production with nature conservation, sustainable hardwood timber plantations, organic farming, wetland

management and agriculture and adapting to climate change.  

Registrations for the conference open in April and more information is available from or by contacting Samantha Morris at Wombat Creative on 0421 709 519 or  Information about sponsorship and trade exhibitions can be directed to Landcare

Queensland by contacting Emma on 07 3211 4413 or  

The 2008 Queensland Landcare Conference is hosted by North Burnett Landcare Group with the support of

Landcare Queensland.  Visit for more information about Landcare in Queensland.

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