FREE public lecture: Forests as carbon sinks – benefits and consequences
As the Australian Government considers how best to tackle climate change, scientists
and land managers around the world are grappling with measures to offset the impact of
greenhouse gas emissions, including through the establishment of new forests.
While planting trees is a positive for carbon sequestration, increasing forest cover will
also influence climate and affect water yield. Getting the balance right involves
consideration of many complex and inter-related factors.
Dr David Whitehead is a leading international expert on measuring and mitigating
greenhouse gas emissions from terrestrial systems, whose work has contributed to the
awarding of a Nobel Peace Prize to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
David is currently Science Team Leader, Global Change Processes at Landcare
Research, New Zealand.
Dr Whitehead’s lecture this week will examine the impact of climate on forests, but also
the influence that forests – and increased forest cover – have on climate. The public
lecture is the opening event of a major scientific conference being hosted in Victoria and
Tasmania this week by the Australian Academy of Sciences and IUFRO - a non-profit,
non-governmental international network of forest scientists, promoting global
cooperation in forest-related research.